Oh, man, there’s still err- Fuck it. I’m too tired to brain right now. I has the dumb. Blah blah blah, don’t vote Santorum, blah blah blah, political bitching.
That is some scary shit. Does he think Christianity should be the national religion? If so what about all the other religions people choose for worship. What about those of use that choose not to worship. What would happen to freedom of religion (or in my case freedom from religion)? Somebody dig a ditch and throw this guy in already.
I find it humorous that an American could vote down the 1st amendment. No one is saying Christians can’t worship in the way they see fit. All the rest of us are asking is to not have your beliefs imposed on us. If you don’t like that go back to Europe circa 1620.
If someone said the same things he’s saying in a different context – perhaps the defense of legislation based on values primarily held by Sharia law – his fucking head would explode.
The humorous thing is that without JFK and that very speech, a Catholic like Santorum wouldn’t even have a chance in a Presidential election. It was the common notion that papists couldn’t be trusted to respect other religions and their rights.
which is one of the reasons that JFK said that, IIRC, he was the first Catholic to ever be president, and there was “concern” from the right wingers that he would bend his knee to the Pope instead of the american people.
13 years ago
Oh yeah, because separating the state from the church is entirely the same thing as separating the church from the people!
So you’re telling all the arab countries to adopt a democratic political system that is not tied in with religion, but then revert back to a state where government and religion are one in your own country?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against religion. I wouldn’t be comfortable to stand up and declare myself an atheist, because I don’t think I am. But I think there is a conflict of interest between religion and government.
Why does everyone pretend that there IS a separation of church and state? God’s name is on our money. Our kids pledge to the flag everyday, which includes God’s name. There is NO separation between church and state and I wish people would stop the bullshit. Oh, and someone please shoot this ass maggot.
Really? were back on an argument about gods name being on our money? And thats your thesis for no separation of church and state? Your credit cards and checks dont say it, use them if thats the issue. And every school I have been in, if you disagree with the pledge, you don’t have to say it.
Credit cards and checks aren’t printed by the government.
And have you ever met a 10 year old kid who’d say “I’m sorry, but I disagree with the overall sentiment conveyed by this pledge, I’m going to sit this one out, distancing myself from my peers in a clean-cut and obvious way?”
They’d probably paraphrase, kids are good at that.
Think of all the goddamn money is going to saved on attack ads. He shreds his own credibility.
Think of all the goddamn money that is going to saved on attack ads. He shreds his own credibility.
Oh, man, there’s still err- Fuck it. I’m too tired to brain right now. I has the dumb. Blah blah blah, don’t vote Santorum, blah blah blah, political bitching.
That is some scary shit. Does he think Christianity should be the national religion? If so what about all the other religions people choose for worship. What about those of use that choose not to worship. What would happen to freedom of religion (or in my case freedom from religion)? Somebody dig a ditch and throw this guy in already.
I find it humorous that an American could vote down the 1st amendment. No one is saying Christians can’t worship in the way they see fit. All the rest of us are asking is to not have your beliefs imposed on us. If you don’t like that go back to Europe circa 1620.
Or go back to Massachusetts Bay Colony circa 1630 when you could ONLY be a Puritan and worship according to the governing body’s dictates.
Religiously brainwashed homosexual douchebag wants to keep women in the 16th century.
Why is that stupid, ignorant son of a bitch allowed to masquerade as a human being?
He wants equal representation for all faiths in the “square”? So he’d have no problem phrasing it mosque and state?
Love it! I’d love to see him argue that actually. I’m sure it would be entertaining.
If someone said the same things he’s saying in a different context – perhaps the defense of legislation based on values primarily held by Sharia law – his fucking head would explode.
That alone robs him entirely of ethos.
So wait…Santorum wants to alienate the Catholic vote?
The humorous thing is that without JFK and that very speech, a Catholic like Santorum wouldn’t even have a chance in a Presidential election. It was the common notion that papists couldn’t be trusted to respect other religions and their rights.
But I guess Ricky isn’t much of a history buff
Paptists. haha oh god.
which is one of the reasons that JFK said that, IIRC, he was the first Catholic to ever be president, and there was “concern” from the right wingers that he would bend his knee to the Pope instead of the american people.
Oh yeah, because separating the state from the church is entirely the same thing as separating the church from the people!
So you’re telling all the arab countries to adopt a democratic political system that is not tied in with religion, but then revert back to a state where government and religion are one in your own country?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against religion. I wouldn’t be comfortable to stand up and declare myself an atheist, because I don’t think I am. But I think there is a conflict of interest between religion and government.
Times like these I wished that Christopher Hitchens was still alive
Why does everyone pretend that there IS a separation of church and state? God’s name is on our money. Our kids pledge to the flag everyday, which includes God’s name. There is NO separation between church and state and I wish people would stop the bullshit. Oh, and someone please shoot this ass maggot.
Really? were back on an argument about gods name being on our money? And thats your thesis for no separation of church and state? Your credit cards and checks dont say it, use them if thats the issue. And every school I have been in, if you disagree with the pledge, you don’t have to say it.
Credit cards and checks aren’t printed by the government.
And have you ever met a 10 year old kid who’d say “I’m sorry, but I disagree with the overall sentiment conveyed by this pledge, I’m going to sit this one out, distancing myself from my peers in a clean-cut and obvious way?”
They’d probably paraphrase, kids are good at that.
I wasn’t asked to write a thesis ass wipe, and why would you disagree with the pledge? Hiding something?
When I was in school you were forced to say the pledge, and I’m only 19. So it isn’t something that’s very far in the past.
Hrm, this reminds me of a song… what was it… they played it on south park… something something dumbdumbdumbdumbdumb.
oh wait that was the Mormons. But really, is there a difference here?