The Bourne Legacy Poster

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    The Bourne Again Christian….

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    I’ve heard very good things about this.

    So if you can get over your Matt Damon fetish you may like it more than the other ones.


    I’m so glad there’s no more Matt Damon. I didn’t think much of him until he recently started sticking his nose into defending teachers:

    I don’t hate teachers, I just don’t think they deserve pensions when there’s no money in the budget for it.

    Gary Generic

    I agree. Why should teachers deserve pensions or budgets? Or even salaries? Teachers should be pretty much minimum wage with no benefits, like McDonald’s workers. Why bother trying to entice motivated, qualified individuals to the position of Educator? Then our tax dollars can go where they belong — to arresting pot smokers and bombing brown people!

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    No civil servant should make more or have more than their equivalent in the private sector.

    Teachers should count themselves fortunate they’ve been able to scam the system as long as they have.


    So the police shouldn’t get a pension either, huh?

    Or is that a “special circumstance?”


    So easy to go to the extreme other side of this argument rather than contribute with a reasonable and realistic solution. That’s some real intelligence you’re exhibiting there buddy.

    Anyways, I live in California. We have a state mandate that we all voted on and passed that requires the majority of the state’s income to go to education, but yet we still have a budget problem. With tenure, you have to basically commit a felony to get fired. Teachers (and other public sector workers) still get a pension. They also get health insurance (not a bare bones plan, but a GOOD one, for life).

    Now, on the other hand, I work at a private sector company that has seen us lay off over 60% of our staff and we’re basically a skeleton crew now. Who is left has taken a pay cut, we’ve canceled our 401(k) and forget about raises. We’re scratching our way back to profitability, but it’s a tough road ahead, but if anyone’s going to do it, it’s us since we survived the layoffs for a reason, because we’re the best group to do so.

    Talk about inequality…but hey, that’s life. If I got laid off I’d find another job because I don’t have collective bargaining rights because guess what, I’m not union (just like the 93% of the working class).


    fuck this movie.. and fuck the teachers

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