at least hes not bush

at least hes not bush

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    Are we implying that McCain wouldn’t have done these, and more?
    Are we implying that there are Republican candidates that wouldn’t continues these, as well?

    What are we implying, here? I’d like to find my stance on it.


    he be black yo


    we’re implying you should’ve voted ron paul, fucktard


    Are you serious? Have you ever actually read Ron Paul? We’re talking his books and newsletters, here, not his speech rhetoric. The guy is culturally fucking insane. I’d be mortified to have my nation’s figurehead taking part in international discussion saying shit like that.


    is that what your party leader tells you to think? fucking imbecile. i’d rather take my chances with paul than any other scumbag


    The only thing that seems to be implied here is “Huuuurrrrrr Duuuuuurrrrrr But Atleest Hez Not Bush!!1
    Meaning that some people will defend their party regardless of right or wrong.
    We can’t make it so the last guy didn’t happen, but the current people in office (not just the President, but ALL the members of Congress) and future politicians could do A LOT MORE to undo the damage done and make sure it doesn’t happen again.
    It’s up to us to hold the people we elect accountable while they are in office. The last time a President paid for his wrong doing was Nixon. And once he was out of office, there really wasn’t much we could do about him was there? So we have to do it while they can still be affect by our votes, otherwise we’re practically asking them to take us for granted.
    Oh, if anyone got this far into my post and still thinks this is a pro-Bush or Anti-Obama post, get your head out of your ass and try actually reading it this time.


    I don’t like everything President Obama has done, but he’s a hell of a lot better than the alternatives.
    Do you have some alternative candidate to propose that would be better?

    The Republican field is full of idiots and hypocrites beholden to their corporate masters even more than the Democrats are.
    Ron Paul is batshit insane, and only is where he is because he is only Libertarian when it is convenient.
    No true Libertarian would ever be able to carry the country because their views are too far outside the mainstream. Ditto the Greens.

    I’m not saying you shouldn’t criticize the President, but something as unbalanced and misleading as this graphic should be reserved for when you have a real alternative.


    people like you should be shipped off to siberia. you are the reason this country is in the shit like it is. you are a brainless mass of ectoplasm floating through society and just taking it in the ass like you’re supposed to. fucking slave.


    Troll bait.


    Again, none of the above.


    What it means is that the leftists opposed President Bush and his policies not because of any moral, ethical, ideological, or philosophical differences; they opposed the previous Administration simply because of the (R) next to the names of the President and Vice President. Protest to the Iraq dried up the second Obama was sworn in. Opposition to GITMO has shriveled to practically nothing. Warrantless wiretaps, huge deficits, the Patriot Act, etc, etc all are fine now that a Democrat is in the Whitehouse. Bush does something he’s the worse person ever, a dictator, a Nazi, a fascist. Obama does the exact same thing and everything is A-OK plus anyone who opposes those actions is a racist.

    Have an Evil day


    you are obviously a fucking idiot, please do not post.


    Ouch. Did I give you the butzhurtz? You completely destroyed me with your concise analysis and biting wit. You sir are a true interwebs genius.

    Have an Evil day

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    I’ve concluded that talking sense to any left wing voter or self described socialist is about as productive as yelling what you just said when you find out someone if deaf and thinking they’ll be able to hear you.


    Talking to any right wing voters is the exact same thing.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    I’ve never found that. I’ve seen the accusation but found right leaning voters very receptive to other people’s perspectives. Not what you read online but you’re in Texas so you’ve seen the real thing. 🙂


    Were you able to type that with a straight face?


    People in Texas do seem to have strong opinions that don’t seem to bend, regardless of their political position. Unless they are actually politicians.


    Magnus’s brain was dislodged during a moose-cock chugging incident when he was a teen. According to legend, he was capable of realizing that there are viewpoints other than “left wing” and “right wing” before that tragic day.


    typical canadian moose cock chugging attitude

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Oh suddenly America isn’t polarized?

    Do you huff spray paint by any chance?


    Most of that is unsubstantiated or hype and/or just more of the status quo – leftovers f/Bush that are far from earth-shattering. It looks like one night of work from a passionate 21 y.o. who had discovered Libertarianism a couple of years earlier.


    The only part of this that seems unsubstantiated is the undeclared war on Pakistan. Everything else seems correct. Yes, many (but not all) of these things are left overs from Bush. Obama went in on the promise to do away with many of these things, including the Patriot Act, which he reinstated.
    Don’t you want what you voted for? Many of these reasons are the same ones that everyone says made Bush bad. Obama Pledged to fix most of these items. Bush is out of office, we can’t vote him out anymore. Obama, and Congress need to know that we will hold them accountable. We have to do that by voting them out. It won’t solve all our problems overnight, but it will show whoever takes office and whoever remains in office that we mean business. Voting along party lines does nothing but tell both sides that the American people are ok with what each party is doing. The people need to send a wake up call, but we the people have to wake up first to do it.

    1st world problems.

    Jac H

    Got dat right.


    troll bait is troll bait.

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