I read a story years ago about elementary school students got a chance to vote on the name of their school and they voted Springfield Elementary. Naming it after the school in The Simpsons. But, the school administrators and the school board turned it down because it might promote violence. Yet, this particular school is okay being name the butt-pirates?
teehee butt pirates.
I read a story years ago about elementary school students got a chance to vote on the name of their school and they voted Springfield Elementary. Naming it after the school in The Simpsons. But, the school administrators and the school board turned it down because it might promote violence. Yet, this particular school is okay being name the butt-pirates?
that would be a lot funnier if it were actually pronounced “butt”… 8/
It’s pronounced “B-you-t” not but. It’s a town in Montana, not far from where I live…