Neil deGrasse Tyson

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    Granted this is a few years old, but it sort of flies in the face of Tyson’s statement.


    Great way to use a fragment quote to make it look like he said something he never really said – or even implied.

    if you want to hear what he REALLY said look at this –


    The god of the gaps is a bad argument.

    But then again, so are all arguments for the Christian god.


    i believe in god. so what. i dont care if you dont. why make a big deal of it?


    I wish more people who believed in God were like you. Moral fruit is too often served alongside religious nuts; it offends the palate.

    God save us from half the people who think they’re doing God’s work, no?


    It doesn’t bother you that you can’t defend your position intellectually?


    I don’t see anyone saying that.


    God is of faith. Not a tree limb. It is a nice feeling that I have hope for the sinful life I have lead, and as you get older you really want that hope. If there is no hope then that may be part of why there are so many teen suicides today as opposed to years ago. Lets just say prior to the 90’s. Fewer kids today have any sort of moral compass. It does not matter where they get it, they just need it. Parents, teachers or the church needs to show these kids a line and tell them this is hope this is darkness and loss and try to lead them or direct them t0 the hope side of the line.


    How sentimental.

    I take that to mean “I don’t mind what I believe in as long as it feels good and makes me sleep well at night”.

    You Christians should stop spelling truth with a capital T as you have no regard for it.


    I do, now, see someone saying that.


    I also believe in God and His blessings. That does not hinder me from being who I am, but you can bet I never carried a gun to school and started killing teachers and fellow students. Just as I truely can not prove God exists, nor can scientists prove how old the earth is. It changes every few years when they find an “older” rock. Sometimes I think that is just God’s sense of humor. He puts a new rock somewhere for scientists to find and sits back and watches the uproar it creates. Too funny.


    I thought it was the devil who planted the fossils.

    Oh, and scientists can prove that the earth exists. Check mate!


    oh dear, it’s people like you that damage society. people so stuck in their belief system that they ignore the very evidence in front of them. that is delusion my friend. you may think your views aren’t harmful but your very ignorance will be forced upon your children or those susceptible to your denials. that is the very opposite of progress.

    your older rock statement is ridiculous…. the definition of a disease for example changes every time someone finds another trait it has..i’m sure you have no objection to using this when you take your modern medicine…

    a scientific view will change and refine based on the world around it where as religion clings to a point of view and tries to force the world around it to stay the same or adhere to it.

    As a wise man once said; “convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth, than lies.”

    reflect on your ignorance


    Now your thinking I am a religeous zealot. Wrong. I just believe in Christ and God. It gives ME comfort. I really don’t care what you use for comfort. I do not ignore facts but you seem to. Recently an article surfaced about Jesus being real. Several agnostic and athiestic scientist could not find fault with everything Jesus is supposed to be. People just believe the new patter. God is dead. God doesn’t exist. Prove that to me. No amount of science can do that. Let me tell you a little story about me. I am a Vietnam combat veteran. When I left and came home, I no longer felt I had any reason to believe God was anywhere. For years I railed against the established churches (and to some extent still do.) I drank, I smoked I cheated on my ex-wife on many occasions. I was searching for something to make me feel alive again. No matter how drunk I got, I still had to wake up the next day with a hangover and an empty feeling. For over 10 years I felt like this. One day a good friend lead me back to Christ and suddenly that hole I had started closing up. I quit drinking (29 years clean and sober), I got remarried and found a great woman. I mended the relationship with my son, thankfully. I have two beautiful granddaughters that I love dearly. But I still do not have a church home. I attend occasionally in different locations, but my problem is that everyone has their own opinion of the Bible verses. My interpretation is as good as anyones. Some stuff in the Bible I refuse to accept at face value. ex: God created the earth in 7 days. I know that is not true in our time of measurement, but how long is a day to God? 24 hours or 100,000,000 years. I believe in evolution I find no fault with that. I believe in dinosaurs but not that man and beast walked together at the same time. Was it some cataclismic explosion that killed off the dinosaurs? I find that one hard to follow. If it would have killed off the dinos why not the crocs. Why not all birds expecially if birds decended from dinos? Mammal lived through that time period as well. Many sea creatures moved forward in the evolution cycle from that time except trilobites. Now I really like “bugs” I own several fossils of trilobites, but can’t help but wonder why they did not move forward in earths future. They were certainly capable of doing so. Hard armour plate, multiple eyes, mobile etc. Horseshoe crabs lived in the same time period but they moved forward. They were very small and mostly nocturnal, yet they survived to move forward. Every scientific discovery tends to raise more questions in me. If it doesn’t for you, they you may already be worshipping a different God. They say that the Bible was written by men and they did so to favor themselves. All these conflicting scientific reports are written by men as well. Why? They also do it to favor themselves. Granted there are people out there that hammer and hammer people with God. Why is my older rock statement ridiculous? Because it flies in the face of your reality or because it is true. Within the past two year the age of the earth has be changed and challenged twice. I can’t quote you the article but you can certainly google it. We children of God have a sense of humor, you children of science do not.
    I am just saying that yes I believe in God and Crist. I believe Christ lived among us. I believe that he rose from the tomb in three days after his death. I believe that the earth is billions of years old and I believe that there will be other finds made that will even change the current theory. I also believe that we will never truely know what happened in the prehistoric past. We can only speculate. So again do not try to paint me into your hard “ONLY GOD” corner like you have painted yourself into the ‘only science’ corner. Have you even studied the Bible? I doubt it. You are the one stuck in their belief system. I have long ago opened my mind to explore other things and see fact in what I look at and read about, but I do question science on many levels just as I question the Bible on many levels. You can not make me nor shall I hide in a corner and occasionally shout, “God is great, God is good”. I will however where ever I go say that I believe in God.


    Well done, Vietnam veteran! You are a soldier not for nothing.
    I am a scientist and engineer and I believe in God/Man Jesus. I believe because I saw the limits of science. Beyond those limits is another world, with another logic, not Boolean, but rather logic of infinite sets that has yet to be developed. Will YOU do it?
    I believe because every theory including theology is just a tool, a model that helps to extract the truth. Many theories contradict each other, but for a physicist it’s OK.
    Is an elementary particle a wave that spreads everywhere and has no mass? Yes. Is it a particle that has size and weight? Yes. Is it a contradiction? Yes. What is the truth? It is BOTH at the same time – particle AND wave.
    Can I understand this? My professor of quantum mechanics said – don’t crush your heads to fathom what you are not capable to. What you need is to KNOW how does it work and HOW to use it. Period.
    Because of this and many other reasons Science and Faith do NOT contradict each other. The reality of this universe is much more complex, my curious friends.
    Learn to ask good questions. Schools do not teach it.
    And do no be afraid to be afraid of something strange.
    Learning the truth, including ultimate Truth takes lots of courage. God bless you, all of you!
    Alex Goldovich alexgoldovich at yahoo dot com.


    Why should I listen to someone who is supposed to be smart but can’t separate the idea of “intelligent design” from “ignorant, close-minded, thumper’s religion”? Oh wait, I know. It’s because I can’t understand how there could be such a large series of perfectly random universal coincidences that could lead to something as complex as human life. Guess that’s my bad.


    “It’s because I can’t understand how there could be such a large series of perfectly random universal coincidences that could lead to something as complex as human life. Guess that’s my bad.”

    It IS ‘your bad’. Read more, think more, and don’t ask us to teach the controversy. There is no controversy, and never has been one; only your ignorance and stubbornness. Intelligent Design substitutes experiment and examination with faith and plugs unfalsifiable claims in where none belong. It isn’t based on evidence and experiment, but upon ignorance combined with a lack of imagination and a most flawed and backwards understanding of the anthropic principle. It has been defeated at every examination, and only desperate creationists or morons who can’t see the use of a lenseless eye still cling to it.

    fracked again

    Yes, bstaples, it is because you can’t understand. For once, you have correctly self-identified your own ignorance as the problem… but you still blamed NdGT for you being the idiot.


    “And thar’s yur problum”.
    Neither one of you rocket scientists know me or my background. You don’t know what I’ve read, examined or written. And yet…
    “Read more, think more…There is only your ignorance and stubbornness” and “you have correctly self-identified your own ignorance as the problem.”

    All because I don’t agree with you. I MUST be ignorant. Good show fellas.


    “hurr durr stop agreing wit me u guyez”

    We don’t need to know you to agree when you say that you don’t understand, and then prove it.


    OK I will say it. Amen bstaples. They accuse Christians of being narrow minded, when they will not even take the time to read and study what they want to destroy. There is much fear there I think.


    Get off your horse, anon. I’ve studied ID, Physics, Biology, Evolution, and your precious holy text (Oh which one do I mean? Take your pick.) and understand well what I am saying. You and fools like bstaples get a harsh rebuke for being the stubborn lackwit at the back of the class who JUST WON’T FUCKING LISTEN when the important lessons are being taught because they don’t square with what you were taught in Sunday School.

    I’m not the one to demonstrate the flaws of ID concepts like ‘Irreducable Complexity’ and Primum movens; that work has already been done and your stupid asses just haven’t paid any attention. But for your sakes, here are some educational links: (I.C.) (I.C.) (I.C.) (P.M)

    Do your homework and meet me in the next shitstorm post.


    I thought Christians didn’t believe in coincidence.

    How likely is it that someone wins the lottery? Or gets struck by lightning while in a church? Very unlikely, almost impossible. Yet, when it has happened it is certain.

    Also, stop arguing from your own ignorance, as it doesn’t change the world around you, and does not convince smarter people.


    Naw! It’s cops that don’t believe in coincidence.


    The arrogance of youth is astounding.

    Have an Evil day


    Moldy Bible here we come! 😀

    T.G. Fisher

    Fear of death is the mother and father of ALL religion. Philip Wylie said that.
    Ignorance and stupidity are their only begotten children. I said that.


    Wow. Amazing how intolerant the “enlightened” crowd can be. Here’s a clue: humans have spiritual appetites. The ones that claim to be “above” religion simply displace their spiritual needs into something else, like Gaia worship or Obama worshop (or more often, their own reflection).

    Witness all the caterwauling over Climate Change. You guys claim to be all about science and yet you put your faith in broken climate model code that returns a negative value for the sum of two squares. Thats not Science. Hell, its not even Math unless you use imaginary numbers.

    So you believe in numbers that don’t exist. And you have the gall to call some guy out who believes in God? Step back from you mirror and get over yourselves.

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