Over the past few months, I’ve noticed that the lame trend of ironically mis-naming M[C]S posts has refined itself into something oft well-timed and able to make me laugh.
We should keep it at this level. It’s nice.
(And I’m not just saying that because I submitted one a few days ago.)
Ah common, now I get the Oprah bit doing crack but I wasn’t aware that Janet Jackson also did crack. You’d think she’d know better after her brother did himself in recently.
Well, we can all look forward to another “family” private physician on trial in a few months.
Like Magnus said, another fucking crackhead. Junkies OD every day. Just because she USED to be a famous singer doesn’t make her special. It actually makes her worse – she had the money and spare time for rehab, but got wasted anyway.
13 years ago
OMy. Look at the e-vultures. Also, how original to use this occassion to RIP on Oprah. Genius.
13 years ago
I think Robin Givens would have been funnier.. just saying.
13 years ago
can someone explain this to me? this is obviously a troll post, but why oprah? shouldn’t this be like oprah and say whitney houston? thanks
wow…i guess crack really was whack
although her death was total rofl
Over the past few months, I’ve noticed that the lame trend of ironically mis-naming M[C]S posts has refined itself into something oft well-timed and able to make me laugh.
We should keep it at this level. It’s nice.
(And I’m not just saying that because I submitted one a few days ago.)
anoanymoose,proud sponsor of celebrities killing themselves for his amusement.
you sick fuck
the first rule of dead celebrities club is “You don’t talk about dead celebrities club”
cuz Brad Pitt told me in that movie he was in, 12 Monkeys
Cocaine is a helluva drug.
I’m sure I’ll take some burns for this, but honestly, did anyone not see this coming?
Amazing talent and beauty ruined by Bobby Brown.
Amy Winehouse AND Whitney Houston are dead, how’s the cocaine industry coming back from this one?
How is anyone not laughing about this?
The pic is funny but in general the world is better off without her. She was just another fucking crack head.
Funnily enough both her and Oprah also smoked crack. So the picture is funny in that way too.
Ah common, now I get the Oprah bit doing crack but I wasn’t aware that Janet Jackson also did crack. You’d think she’d know better after her brother did himself in recently.
Well, we can all look forward to another “family” private physician on trial in a few months.
Good Riddance
Maybe, hopefully, Lindsey Lohan will be next
LOL, I knew this was coming 😛
Like Magnus said, another fucking crackhead. Junkies OD every day. Just because she USED to be a famous singer doesn’t make her special. It actually makes her worse – she had the money and spare time for rehab, but got wasted anyway.
OMy. Look at the e-vultures. Also, how original to use this occassion to RIP on Oprah. Genius.
I think Robin Givens would have been funnier.. just saying.
can someone explain this to me? this is obviously a troll post, but why oprah? shouldn’t this be like oprah and say whitney houston? thanks