Cool clock, but you may need to read words.
How does it tell me it is ten past ten?
ten past ten
Three past three?
Looks like it rounds to the nearest five minutes. So that would be “three” or “five past three” depending on how it rounds.
Way cool clock. The guy who made it has his website here:
They charge something fucking silly for these clocks, like $1300. Theres a kickstarter up that does this for like ~$100 or so though.
Cool clock, but you may need to read words.
How does it tell me it is ten past ten?
ten past ten
Three past three?
Looks like it rounds to the nearest five minutes. So that would be “three” or “five past three” depending on how it rounds.
Way cool clock. The guy who made it has his website here:
They charge something fucking silly for these clocks, like $1300. Theres a kickstarter up that does this for like ~$100 or so though.