The crafting site Etsy often has interesting home-made Star Trek items, but this one is especially impressive. Barry Shields from Tennessee is offering a coffee table shaped like the USS Enterprise C (from Star Trek: TNG’s “Yesterday’s Enterprise), carved from ash, poplar and cherry wood.
No idea why he chose to do the Enterprise-C, she was only seen in a couple episodes of TNG, and was ultimately destroyed by the Romulans…
via etsy
My guess is that the height of the warp nacelles relative to the platter lended itself better to the design.
How do guys even know the difference between models?
Because they are extremely different.
I think the Enterprise C is a very good choice. Less common, good history….
Even if you aren’t a die-hard Trekkie, you have to admit that this replica of the Starship Enterprise made from old ink cartridges is pretty