This is the single most passive-aggressive thing I have ever seen. Yeah, he’s a dick for not throwing his shit out. You’re as much of a dick for being so butthurt about it that you take the time to make this instead of actually throwing the shit out.
Say what you want about passive-aggression, but worst case scenario, we get a funny .jpeg out of it. Best case? This starts an epic Derp-o-vational snark war. Somewhere in the middle is the guy actually realizing he should toss his shit out.
12 years ago
It’s not about the trash.
It’s about sending a message.
This is the single most passive-aggressive thing I have ever seen. Yeah, he’s a dick for not throwing his shit out. You’re as much of a dick for being so butthurt about it that you take the time to make this instead of actually throwing the shit out.
maybe they thought they were being funny.
maybe you think you’re being funny.
Yeah I think you’re taking it a little too seriously.
Say what you want about passive-aggression, but worst case scenario, we get a funny .jpeg out of it. Best case? This starts an epic Derp-o-vational snark war. Somewhere in the middle is the guy actually realizing he should toss his shit out.
It’s not about the trash.
It’s about sending a message.