New Site Feature: MCS LIVE : where you can see what other people are seeing, after they’ve seen it!
it may effect site performance, so I’ll let it run for a while and see how it does, if it does break stuff, I’ll see if I can’t cache it.
Cool feature; creepy look into the mind of the gestalt…
you know I changed that word like 4 times and finally just gave up on it.
soooo, this thumbnail page is a composite of “some” of the images being viewed at that time?
After all, there are only so many thumbnails on that page and you MIGHT have 5 times as many folks looking at images, therefor this is just a fraction of what is being viewed. Elaborate if you will.
you’re absolutely right, it’s not really showing the exact image they’re viewing, just the post that someone loaded up recently…and then showing a thumbnail of the first image in that post.
hey tiki off topic.. ever think of adding sharing to facebook, myspace blah blah blah.. if nothing else could get you some more hits
are you kidding? he’s pimped the facebook page thing like 20 times, and every post has a facebook share link immediately under it.
can you not see that?
maybe on facebook, but not mcs. but thank you captain obvious for trying to save me
I saw a pony
Now go get your shinebox.
you think I’m funny?