if you are black (or not white for that matter) go outside and march, you have no money so it’s the only way your voice can be heard.
broke ass fuckers
Really? A better name couldn’t be conceived than “Black March”… ? Is it like, a civil rights reference? I have a dream where systematically created music designed to manipulate people into mistaking predictable beats and repetitive lyrics for musical craftsmanship worth money is not sold for artificially inflated prices that pretend scarcity exists in the digital age?
It’s a double-edged sword. As much as the media industry needs to learn that they can’t pull bullshit like this forever and, someday, a return to people with quality thoughts and soulful expression will be necessary — people need to learn that the projects they ACTUALLY LIKE don’t fucking go anywhere unless they get some funding.
Somewhere along the line, “The Pirate” stopped only downloading shit that they didn’t think was worth money but were willing to sacrifice the free to at least give it a chance to prove itself and started just refusing to support anything more than sentimentally. Until that’s rectified, “The Pirate” should learn to shut their fucking mouth and protest SOPA/PIPA/ACTA for the threats they pose to security from abuse of power and an internet through which talent can achieve the kind of funding these people are claiming to lose on their soulless bullshit instead of the threats they pose to their free shit.
Long story short, if you put the honor, heart, and soul that true artists put into projects worth paying for into your protest of the true threats to them, we’d be attacking both ACTA and piracy at once.
Not at all, just suggesting that our actions aren’t concentrated on attacking one area of a multi-dimensional problem in a way that causes us to ignore the other faults.
It’s like trying to lose weight by cutting out soda and chewing sugarless gum. Yeah, sugar is a contributing factor, but chances are a good portion of your lifestyle, eating habits, and attitudes towards food are the problem.
To follow the analogy, I’m saying to recognize sugar is a problem, but maybe also not eat a lawn-bag of Doritos after three courses of Denny’s before claiming it’s the Juicy Fruit that’s making your ass jiggle.
Really? A better name couldn’t be conceived than “Black March”… ? Is it like, a civil rights reference? I have a dream where systematically created music designed to manipulate people into mistaking predictable beats and repetitive lyrics for musical craftsmanship worth money is not sold for artificially inflated prices that pretend scarcity exists in the digital age?
It’s a double-edged sword. As much as the media industry needs to learn that they can’t pull bullshit like this forever and, someday, a return to people with quality thoughts and soulful expression will be necessary — people need to learn that the projects they ACTUALLY LIKE don’t fucking go anywhere unless they get some funding.
Somewhere along the line, “The Pirate” stopped only downloading shit that they didn’t think was worth money but were willing to sacrifice the free to at least give it a chance to prove itself and started just refusing to support anything more than sentimentally. Until that’s rectified, “The Pirate” should learn to shut their fucking mouth and protest SOPA/PIPA/ACTA for the threats they pose to security from abuse of power and an internet through which talent can achieve the kind of funding these people are claiming to lose on their soulless bullshit instead of the threats they pose to their free shit.
Long story short, if you put the honor, heart, and soul that true artists put into projects worth paying for into your protest of the true threats to them, we’d be attacking both ACTA and piracy at once.
So you suggest we carry on like always and not give out any sort of message.
*Forever delayed response*
Not at all, just suggesting that our actions aren’t concentrated on attacking one area of a multi-dimensional problem in a way that causes us to ignore the other faults.
It’s like trying to lose weight by cutting out soda and chewing sugarless gum. Yeah, sugar is a contributing factor, but chances are a good portion of your lifestyle, eating habits, and attitudes towards food are the problem.
To follow the analogy, I’m saying to recognize sugar is a problem, but maybe also not eat a lawn-bag of Doritos after three courses of Denny’s before claiming it’s the Juicy Fruit that’s making your ass jiggle.
“It’s Music for Black People and it’s current, It’s Black Current….” Into to some cheesy soul train rip off with a bad title.