let the nerd rage begin 🙂
Avengers vs X-Men
Added on January 16th, 2012 by twitch | Report Post
Tags:Comic Books, The Avengers (comic books), X-Men
Tags:Comic Books, The Avengers (comic books), X-Men
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baby goku cam kick their asses
I can’t wait for this. I wanna see Colossus ( enhanced with the power of the Juggernaut ) kick that ridiculous poser, the red Hulks face in. The Avengers have to take out the X-men’s telepaths or the fights over before it begins. Plus, the X-men have teleporters, another advantage over the Avengers. I’ve been reading comics long enough to know there won’t be a clear winner, but it’s gonna be a great fight.
Go outside and talk to a woman. Now.
Bendis? Is he going to trace the Civil War arc’s art?
If it’s the people facing off against the people opposite them on the cover, the only fights I’d give to the avengers is Thor vs. Storm, Wolverine vs. Gambit and the Thing against Thunderbird.
Shit, man. Cap vs. Cyclops.
I just hope Wolverine loses. I’m tired of seeing him everywhere, it’d be nice for him to get the short end of the stick for a change.
Where is Batman?
When/Why did Wolverine and Beast join the Avengers?
The Beast originally joined the Avengers in the 70’s. He just came back when Commander Rogers started the Secret Avengers.
Shouldn’t Wolverine and Gambit be standing on the same side?
So its going to be the hulk and thor raping the xmen while everyone else acts like they matter?
Nigga please. —–> Magneto utilizes the iron in Red Hulk (red hulk…pft) blood and throws him into space. Done.