Fall 2011 Video Game Playthroughs: Fable III, Portal 2, Fallout 3 GOTY
Portal 2 (5/5)
It’s not very easy to follow-up a successful game like Portal, especially given how unintentional the impact of the game was on the market. With the second entry Valve came and not only kept the challenge and fun of the original short game, it added new twists and showed just far they’ve come in environment creation and storytelling.
Despite it being a puzzle-platformer, the depth of the game is incredibly beyond many of its First-Person rivals. Music, art design, characterization; all of them are top-notch and only add to an incredibly tight game, delivering a huge experience in a relatively small setting.
Looks like there’s some consensus up in here.
My entire gaming habit runs on getting the stuff consistently rated “interesting” or better by a wide group of critics after it’s been out awhile and can be had for a decent price (a la Steam).
you lookin for a game review job?
By “job” are we implying payment?
Not really. Just like fostering my long-winded opinions on the masses, like every other troll on the net.
But if you got a webspace needs game reviews, let me know (not that I currently have much time with a new job for extensive playthroughs).