they’re obviously suffering financial hardship. They couldn’t even afford basic english classes.
Barry Barcrest
13 years ago
So they were not home for christmas/boxing day but claim their childrens presents were stolen? Who goes away for christmas and leaves their childrens presents behind for them to open 2 days late? This has insurance scam written all over it.
maybe if they weren’t watching boxing all day they would have seen who done it.
Don’t they sell insurance for this sort of thing? Still, killing their pets was a pretty scummy thing to do.
Really? A family of 7? And you’re having financial troubles? NO WAI!
I’m betting the pet deaths had to do with turning off the furnace –probably a tank of fish froze up.
Family of 7? About time somebody stopped you!
they’re obviously suffering financial hardship. They couldn’t even afford basic english classes.
So they were not home for christmas/boxing day but claim their childrens presents were stolen? Who goes away for christmas and leaves their childrens presents behind for them to open 2 days late? This has insurance scam written all over it.
no Christmas presents mentioned