Cardinal Sin

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Street artist Banksy has installed a vandalised sculpture of a priest in a gallery in Liverpool.
Cardinal Sin is a bust with its face sawn off and replaced by blank tiles, designed as a response to the child abuse scandal in the Catholic church.
In a statement, Banksy said: “I’m never sure who deserves to be put on a pedestal or crushed under one.” “The statue? I guess you could call it a Christmas present. At this time of year it’s easy to forget the true meaning of Christianity – the lies, the corruption, the abuse.”

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    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    If Banksy really wanted to make a religious based statement that pushed boundaries he’d show Mohammed raping a little girl. Ripping on Christians is not only socially permissible, its encouraged. Which just makes him another fag for attention asshole.

    fracked again

    How dare he not do what you want him to do!


    It’s not rape if you’re married with a god’s approval.


    agreed, this is a safe art piece.

    fracked again

    It would be just as safe for him to do an anti-Islam piece. Banksy is functionally anonymous. Banksy doesn’t live in a country where Islam is the dominant religion. Islam doesn’t have the influence over UK politics that the Anglican church does, or for that matter, any of the major brands of xianity. That is why one of the xian cults is the target of the piece. Sure there would be a fatwa here, a death threat there, but that didn’t stop Ahmed Salmon Rushdie, did it?

    It just doesn’t go after the group you want him to go after.

    So don’t be a coward. Don’t wait for somebody else to make the art that you want. You or Maggie can do an art piece on that old pedo Mohamed. Be my guest. Maggie even has an MFA on the changes in codpieces in ballet over the centuries.


    “Religious exhortation and telling people, telling children, that if they don’t do the right thing, they’ll go to terrifying punishments or unbelievable rewards, that’s making a living out of lying to children. That’s what the priesthood do. And if all they did was lie to the children, it would be bad enough. But they rape them and torture them and then hope we’ll call it ‘abuse’.” -Christopher Hitchens

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