Reposts are reposts of posts that have been posted before

Someone just asked me “hey tiki, why all the reposts lately?” to which I said, well I messed up.  you see, I have a folder named “These definitely going up to mcs later when I’m sober and I find the time” and then I have a folder called “These were definitely uploaded to mcs” and I mess up and didn’t move some files, and then DID move them, but them uploaded a ton of other images, and oh god, I’m so sorry.

Please find it in your heart to forgive me.  The reposts are due to stop sometime in the next 45-90 days.  Until then though, let me axe you a question: how was your halloween?  what did you dress up as?

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    A raccoon exterminator.


    fuck you
    number 12


    1) I forgive you.
    2) No halloween here. We’re german, stubborn and we have already Karneval, Fastnacht or Fasching. (It depends where you live in germany.) In general we prefer the laughin clown over the evil zombie. That’s because we don’t laugh for the rest of the year because our inner self is evil. (See World War I and II.)
    3) Don’t confuse Fasching with Fascism. It’s disturbing for both side if you choose the wrong outfit: Hitler outfit at carnival or Clown outfit at the Nazi convention.

    I rest my case.

    Halloween = one day and night
    Karneval = 11.11. and Weiberfastnacht to Aschermittwoch, 6 days of heavy fun.


    40 to 90 days? Tiki is trolling us.

    Kik Dogg

    I thought we were being trolled last summer when he let the coon take over the site.


    I was a hipster. but going out on Halloween is too mainstream, so I just stayed home.


    I dressed as a Ninja and even taught class for the first time ever. Otherwise, uneventful.

    Luke Magnifico

    Please find it in your heart to forgive me.


    Luke Magnifico

    Also I dressed up as Shredder.


    I dressed up as Tiki and trick-or-treated for reposts.

    except that I didn’t cos we don’t have halloween here.


    I was a vampire.


    Let me clarify that: I was a traditional vampire in a black velvet cloak that neither spent any measure of time angstily brooding over inter-species forbidden romance nor sparkled in the sunlight (although the lining on my cloak does shimmer a little).


    I dressed up as a guy who went to sleep after getting off work.


    black swan

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