Protest in America

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    Luke Magnifico

    Maybe if you went and sat quietly in the middle of nowhere they’d stop hitting you with socks full of pennies.


    bring guns problem solved

    j mctavish

    Of course, under Tea Party, the poster forgot to include: NO ASSHOLES!

    fracked again

    lol, Now that is funny!

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    One is a rally meant to be an organized gathering.

    The other is a protest meant to disrupt.

    If the OWS hadn’t had their shit kicked and everyone just ignored them they’d act even worse for attention. Its just a bunch of lazy fairies who think the world owes them something because their mommies and daddies (who pay their rent in their bleached neighbourhoods protected by those same cops) told them they were. Or maybe mommies and mommies and daddies and daddies.

    Put it this way: in Toronto they didn’t beat on the stupid hippies and now they’re building huts and planning to stay in a park indefinitely. While collecting welfare and other social assistance.

    OWS would have been better if the cops had killed them all.


    “One is a rally meant to be an organized gathering.
    The other is a protest meant to disrupt.”

    You go ahead and keep telling yourself that…

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    um…you’re arguing that?


    That makes you a crazy person, sir. Sir fat cunt.


    Your icon is a picture of gaddafi; your argument is invalid.


    One group had literally no trouble with the law or the public with tens of thousands nationwide protesting (and yeah a handful of gun owners carrying legally) and the other group has a couple of thousand camping out, hundreds of arrests, dozens of assaults (by other protestors/homeless/drug addicts/general losers), several reported rapes and sexual assaults (who knows how many unreported since they keep the cops from coming in to investigate), and a general lack of good order and good hygiene.


    Absolutely. I can’t see any way a rational person who puts aside their feelings about the Tea Party and OWS can’t understand that there is a reason the police treated them different.


    Key word- “rational”


    That’s funny, I’d say the same about people who think they CAN see a valid reason…….


    Now you can add-in OWS rioting in Oakland.


    I used to live near Oakland. The riots are an Oakland thing, not an OWS thing. Seriously, Oakland riots over any little excuse they get. Especially if the Raiders are involved in said excuse.


    What’s with the freaking watermark ?
    You’re blocking text and assuming ownership of “found” images….?!


    what watermark?


    Oh you….
    The on every pic now…

    Tiki just has to say the word, I’ll paypal…


    I’m not seeing that on any pics…


    One Group got all of the required Permits, paid the Fees and abided by the Restrictions of those permits. The Other Group, not so much.

    One Group provided for sufficient Refuse and Sanitary Facilities and Paid for them. The Other Group, not so much.

    One Group left when they said they would (to actual Jobs) and left the place cleaner than when they arrived. The Other Group, not so much.

    One Group, the closest thing to Social Disorder was when Lost Children were brought to the Stage for their Parents (or Grandparents) to reclaim them. The Other Group, not so much.

    Need I continue?

    Luke Magnifico

    I disagree with your use of capital letters. That is not how capital letters are used.


    Might have something to do with the fact that the Tea Partiers are



    Again, I’ll point out: OAKLAND, CA. Seriously, if you’re surprised that people in Oakland rioted over the slightest excuse, you’ve never paid attention to the news. It’s an Oakland thing, not an OWS thing.


    and one was sponsored by Koch Oil and the other? Not so much.


    I know quite a few of the Tea Party Organizers who are going to be very upset that they didn’t get a check. Would you be so kind as to let me know to get that support. I know the OWS people were advertizing on Craigs List offering $600 a week. Don’t know of ANY of the Tea Party people who got a dime.


    It might also have something to do with the first group being a wholly owned subsidiary of the Koch Brothers and run by the GOP, while the other is niether.


    Well, if being owned by the Koch Brothers is the difference, I suggest OWS get to being owned because they are a group of losers. Which would be funny except they are now rioting and that makes them dangerous losers.


    What most of you fail to realize, or are trying to conceal, is that The Tea party was a political movement and OWS is a protest, an expression of rage. They very much apples and oranges, comparing them is idiotic.

    OWS has deliberately tried NOT to become yet another political party run and subverted by the oligarchy. The Tea Party has become just another cog in the conservative machine, OWS refuses to become a cog in anyone’s machine. The Tea Party sold out, OWS fights back.


    OWS are a bunch of fucking idiots. seriously, they should pepper spray those cunts from a firehose


    No OWS is not about rage. It’s about something for nothing. Those the OWS people were eating better than I do with every meal catered. If you think that the movement is legit, go watch some of the occupy atlanta people and try to tell me these people aren’t just a bunch of lazy hippies.


    Tea Party – Didn’t break laws
    OWS – Breaking laws
    there’s the difference. some people are idiots

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