Amazing human being? That guy who denied his first daughter and lied to everybody saying that he was sterile? The guy who tried to crush Adobe because they didn’t like him? The same dude who was so arrogant as to tell his IPhone users that they were having problems with the phone because they were holding it wrong?
If that’s the definition of an amazing human being, then so be it!
So apparently a lot of people are sad that they lost their Jobs.
sick burn, sick
many lols
Amazing human being? That guy who denied his first daughter and lied to everybody saying that he was sterile? The guy who tried to crush Adobe because they didn’t like him? The same dude who was so arrogant as to tell his IPhone users that they were having problems with the phone because they were holding it wrong?
If that’s the definition of an amazing human being, then so be it!
Who give a shit. Where is my Iphone 5?
Good riddance. Now we can watch crApple go down the pan…….oh happy days
Apparently an Apple a day does not keep the Dr. away.
Apple; no doctor, no life.