This was all arranged with the secret knowledge and help of Sauron. While in fact all the Halflings involved in the attack were from the Shire, Sauron has used the tower attack to justify invading Gondor and Rohan, both of which have vast supplies of Elven Bread.
“I was there! I saw it! Don’t tell me what I saw! That little midget threw the ring in! Right the fuck IN!! And the whole time, Arwen sat reading to children in Rivendale….yeah…that’s right.
LOTR was a secret “trial-run” of the real event, with the Barad Dur being a simulation disguised by a skin. Once the movie showed them how to do it, they put their plan into action! It’s true. My mother’s next-door-neighbour’s goat was on the tech team.
This was all arranged with the secret knowledge and help of Sauron. While in fact all the Halflings involved in the attack were from the Shire, Sauron has used the tower attack to justify invading Gondor and Rohan, both of which have vast supplies of Elven Bread.
They claim they’re just stopping hostile territories wielding other Rings of Power, but Saruman has yet to produce true evidence of these ROPs.
“I was there! I saw it! Don’t tell me what I saw! That little midget threw the ring in! Right the fuck IN!! And the whole time, Arwen sat reading to children in Rivendale….yeah…that’s right.
LOTR was a secret “trial-run” of the real event, with the Barad Dur being a simulation disguised by a skin. Once the movie showed them how to do it, they put their plan into action! It’s true. My mother’s next-door-neighbour’s goat was on the tech team.
Alex Jones has a good commentary on that at: