Hmmmmm looks like a church….
And yeah I went to school….it was not call the first church of anything when i went but I guess thing can change.
Whoa….easy with the name calling. Just i think atheists are just as bad as christians does not make me one of them. But you are right it was the first and i didn’t care. Also there is a church in France. It is a building called a church….it says church on the outside…not school. Get over it.
Good thing you said you were trolling, because by this point I’d be completely convinced that you thought this was an actual argument for atheism as a religion.
No, this photo isn’t an argument that atheism is a religion. It is, however, a fair example of some, although hardly all, atheists’ commitment to non-belief and how that commitment is many times as fanatical as some religions.
I equate it to the fanatical environmental movement, especially as regarding global warming. It’s basically a religion at this point with Al “I’ve made 100 million off of a now bankrupt carbon-trading scheme and therefore can afford a bigger mansion, private jet and boat” Gore as its High Priest.
Tragically the incredibly talented Christopher Hitchens will soon leave us and all today’ss atheists will have is the guy who isn’t as good as Steve Carell to take up the slack.
Atheism is a hobby? Environmentalism as well? Now, see, that appears to be a weak argument. And I’m very familiar with Gervais’ work having watched the original Office and several of his movies, not to mention his standup. He is talented, but Carell was much better in the role than Gervais. My opinion of course, which I am entitled to.
Again you misunderstand. Fanaticism does not equal religion, it could apply to anything, like a hobby or fandom.
You need to make an actual argument to prove atheism is a religion, not just point to vague similarities that also apply to obviously non-religious endeavors like sports and politics.
How do you define religion anyhow?
You are entitled to your bad taste, of course, but I’d be remiss in my duties should I not inform you that you’re lacking. This also applies to your choice of religion, of course. If atheism *were* a religion, I’m sure it’d be superior to Christianity in every way.
But I’m not entirely sure that you’re still not understanding the basic concept of what atheism is. I’m pretty sure this has been explained to you before. But then again, you tend to run away from discussions, so who knows what you read.
Ahem. You seem confused. Let me clear this up for you.
A. I’m not an atheist.
B. That was a criticism, not a personal attack. It was an observation of your behavior. Try to learn the difference.
C. You’ve never been interested in rational debate. For all you whining about personal attacks, all you seem interested in is smear tactics and name calling. Like I said, you enjoy pointing fingers.
I saw him first time as host at the 68th Annual Golden Globe Awards this year.
Great comedian, great performance. He closed the show with:
“And thank you to god, that making me an atheist”
How in the world is this trolling?
I’m guessing because Ricky Gervais has never been that skinny?
LOL, I had the same though . . .
…A god less religion.
They have a church….that makes them a religion….or a cult.
School is not a church, it’s where you go to get edumecated.
Church is where you go to find ways to ignore your education.
It is still called a church sooooo…..
You call school church?
Did you go to school?
Hmmmmm looks like a church….
And yeah I went to school….it was not call the first church of anything when i went but I guess thing can change.
You just googled “atheist church” and linked the first result, didn’t you? You didn’t even read the FAQ, right?
Sad illetarate Christian.
Whoa….easy with the name calling. Just i think atheists are just as bad as christians does not make me one of them. But you are right it was the first and i didn’t care. Also there is a church in France. It is a building called a church….it says church on the outside…not school. Get over it.
I’m sure I’ll take your word for it. You’ve proven yourself to be quite adept at recognizing churches when you see them.
Cool now that is settled i can go back to laughing at the funny pictures.
Wow, it’s been so long I totally forgot I uploaded this.
Good thing you said you were trolling, because by this point I’d be completely convinced that you thought this was an actual argument for atheism as a religion.
Poe’s law is such a bitch.
No, this photo isn’t an argument that atheism is a religion. It is, however, a fair example of some, although hardly all, atheists’ commitment to non-belief and how that commitment is many times as fanatical as some religions.
I equate it to the fanatical environmental movement, especially as regarding global warming. It’s basically a religion at this point with Al “I’ve made 100 million off of a now bankrupt carbon-trading scheme and therefore can afford a bigger mansion, private jet and boat” Gore as its High Priest.
Tragically the incredibly talented Christopher Hitchens will soon leave us and all today’ss atheists will have is the guy who isn’t as good as Steve Carell to take up the slack.
That’s a pretty weak argument. Any hobby is a religion according to you?
Also, if you compare Gervais to Carell you don’t know much about Gervais’ work. Or if you do, you just lack taste.
goddammit korinthian, I hate it when I agree with you.
Atheism is a hobby? Environmentalism as well? Now, see, that appears to be a weak argument. And I’m very familiar with Gervais’ work having watched the original Office and several of his movies, not to mention his standup. He is talented, but Carell was much better in the role than Gervais. My opinion of course, which I am entitled to.
Again you misunderstand. Fanaticism does not equal religion, it could apply to anything, like a hobby or fandom.
You need to make an actual argument to prove atheism is a religion, not just point to vague similarities that also apply to obviously non-religious endeavors like sports and politics.
How do you define religion anyhow?
You are entitled to your bad taste, of course, but I’d be remiss in my duties should I not inform you that you’re lacking. This also applies to your choice of religion, of course. If atheism *were* a religion, I’m sure it’d be superior to Christianity in every way.
But I’m not entirely sure that you’re still not understanding the basic concept of what atheism is. I’m pretty sure this has been explained to you before. But then again, you tend to run away from discussions, so who knows what you read.
Hey, what about Penn Jillette?
And Tim Minchin?
And Bill Maher?
And Richard Dawkins?
And Daniel Dennett?
or how about pretty much anybody here.
/”I’m Spartacus”
Good ol’ Alice. Good at finger pointing, bad at self reflection.
How does it feel to always be the pot, Alice?
Why is it that atheists always resort to personal attacks? I posted a photo which I hoped would generate a rational debate and I get insulted.
Nawww, not really . . . I knew you guys would attack me. I be trollin’
Ahem. You seem confused. Let me clear this up for you.
A. I’m not an atheist.
B. That was a criticism, not a personal attack. It was an observation of your behavior. Try to learn the difference.
C. You’ve never been interested in rational debate. For all you whining about personal attacks, all you seem interested in is smear tactics and name calling. Like I said, you enjoy pointing fingers.
Grow the fuck up.
It’s fun how the worst thing she can say about atheism is that it’s a religion, though.
I saw him first time as host at the 68th Annual Golden Globe Awards this year.
Great comedian, great performance. He closed the show with:
“And thank you to god, that making me an atheist”