t-rex in space with minguns for guns shooting aliens with a mailman as rider
Added on September 14th, 2011 by #makecasemdsgreatagain | Report Post
Tags:Axe Cop, Comic Books, Wallpaper, WTF
Tags:Axe Cop, Comic Books, Wallpaper, WTF
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Uh, that’s Axe Cop, you son of a bitch.
He’ll chop your head off! If you call him a mailman.
He’ll chop your head off and take your stuff.
Oh dubstep, you so crazy!
I gotta admin, I have no clue what this is about.
A mailman?
Are you fucking retarded?
You don’t know about AxeCop. Sounds like you needs some edumacashun.
Your argument is invalid.