Metalhead you are right. It is a puffin. Puffins live only in the northern hemisphere and penguins live only in the southern hemisphere. Puffins can fly (I love to watch then fly low across the water with their wings).
Clayton Brannon
13 years ago
Metalhead you are right. It is a puffin. Puffins live only in the northern hemisphere and penguins live only in the southern hemisphere. Puffins can fly (I love to watch then fly low across the water with their little wings flapping like crazy).
Metalhead you are right. It is a puffin. Puffins live only in the northern hemisphere and penguins live only in the southern hemisphere. Puffins can fly (I love to watch then fly low across the water with their little wings flapping like crazy).
If you don’t know what the fuck you’re posting a picture of, quit emberassing yourself. I know this is a random image site, D, but your floods get irritating fast.
That a puffin, you dolt.
Metalhead you are right. It is a puffin. Puffins live only in the northern hemisphere and penguins live only in the southern hemisphere. Puffins can fly (I love to watch then fly low across the water with their wings).
Metalhead you are right. It is a puffin. Puffins live only in the northern hemisphere and penguins live only in the southern hemisphere. Puffins can fly (I love to watch then fly low across the water with their little wings flapping like crazy).
Metalhead you are right. It is a puffin. Puffins live only in the northern hemisphere and penguins live only in the southern hemisphere. Puffins can fly (I love to watch then fly low across the water with their little wings flapping like crazy).
If you don’t know what the fuck you’re posting a picture of, quit emberassing yourself. I know this is a random image site, D, but your floods get irritating fast.
Has anyone mentioned that it’s actually a puffin yet?
/half the image titles here are troll titles
//and you guys keep biting
You know, “I was just trolling” only works for so long to excuse blatant stupidity.