obama’s dream

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he’s a nazi

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    0.0 for originality.
    0.0 for effort.
    3.5 for nifty design.
    Fail. But we have some nice parting gifts for you.


    Well, it IS called National SOCIALISM for a reason.


    I think the marching band of the Special Olympics needs you back.


    What, you didn’t know it was National Socialism? Obviously not, since throwing an insult is the best you can do.


    In name only kiddo, read !!!


    And that’s why it’s called the People’s Republic of China or The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. You fucking twit.


    Now now, no need for name calling comrades !!


    Naziking calling Obama a Nazi?

    It could be love.

    Jac H

    Trollin’, trollin, trollin, keep them derp boys trollin’…


    …keep them Anons holed in, lolHIIIIIDE…




    If Obama were a Nazi, he would be kicking the Tea Party’s ass. He would be having them snuffed out in the middle of the night and their cars would be exploding, and Rupert Murdoch would be fucking afraid. We would all be living with more dignity and stability… White folks anyway.


    SHHHH !!!!


    That’s because Obama is not only inept leader, he is also a pussy.


    I fail to see how Obama, a black man, would be a nazi.


    Look deeper and you can see the parallels between the cult of Obama and the cult of the Nazis back in the 1930s. Fortunately America is a very different culture than Germany.


    Seek help, or an education !


    Actually, the correct term is ‘re-education’ citizen.


    The only person that seems to be in a cult is YOU. How the fuck do you remember to suck air?


    Please don’t breed, for the sake of all of us, don’t breed


    Obviously, you have never seen “The Black Gestapo”.

    Luke Magnifico

    To be fair, litter is everyone’s problem.


    Pick up the can -> can gets recycled -> Nazism?
    I’m not seeing it.


    Neither did the Germans.


    Its good to know that conversations on the internet still instantly turn to shit when the word “Nazi” is involved.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Trying to convince Obama apologists of his short comings and Nazi party like stance and approach is like trying to talk to Muslims about respect for women. No matter how much sense you make they’ll still go back to being fucking retarded.

    The major difference between Obama and the Nazi party is they had planning and were successful and good for their countries economy vs. Obama being a just an annoying pit stain who intermittently releases the hot air he’s full of in the form of televised finger pointing national addresses.


    He was Trollin’ Obama and hooked a bunch of Tea Baggers! Nice reverse! Now if I could just find that picture of Bachman scarfing a foot long corn dog…


    Fascist, Socialist, Communist… they’re all the same really. Unless you know what they mean.

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