1) Presidential terms start in January, not October.
2) The way the dates are set, each President is responsible for 9 months of his successors spending. You can’t hold anyone responsible for what the next guy does. I’d be interested to see what the numbers really are.
3) It mentions the 2007-2009 recession as part of the cause for Obama’s portion of the debt. We’re still in a recession, so claiming it ended in 2009 is wrong.
I haven’t had time to research the data sources listed at the bottom of the chart, but could someone tell me who created the chart?
Dropping the N bomb might have been a little excessive but I think he was trying to poke fun at ignorant conservatives (and yes I know that there are intelligent conservatives)
Jury is still out on Atkins, I mean denza-douche.
#1 giant flood of images suggest student with toooooo much free time
#2 tough to read the n bomb , sarcasm or idiocy
#3 boobies, i mean who does not like boobies?
#4 intentional bad punctuation , or idiot?
#5 lots of anime, nerd or 12yr old?
#6 plane fetish, I loves me some planes, but do not post them all
Don’t forget your apostrophe for possession.
Yeah, the Texan one.
You should alter that comment, NOT COOL.
you shouldn’t hide, IT’S RUDE!!!
Wow. You are such a pathetic little racist, DERNAZIKING.
Who invited the butthurts to MCS.
A few things about this bother me.
1) Presidential terms start in January, not October.
2) The way the dates are set, each President is responsible for 9 months of his successors spending. You can’t hold anyone responsible for what the next guy does. I’d be interested to see what the numbers really are.
3) It mentions the 2007-2009 recession as part of the cause for Obama’s portion of the debt. We’re still in a recession, so claiming it ended in 2009 is wrong.
I haven’t had time to research the data sources listed at the bottom of the chart, but could someone tell me who created the chart?
Dropping the N bomb might have been a little excessive but I think he was trying to poke fun at ignorant conservatives (and yes I know that there are intelligent conservatives)
Jury is still out on Atkins, I mean denza-douche.
#1 giant flood of images suggest student with toooooo much free time
#2 tough to read the n bomb , sarcasm or idiocy
#3 boobies, i mean who does not like boobies?
#4 intentional bad punctuation , or idiot?
#5 lots of anime, nerd or 12yr old?
#6 plane fetish, I loves me some planes, but do not post them all
but wait….he said he would cut deficit in half…
oh wait…forgot…lolpolitics. 🙂
Would that be LOLitics?
I really love to know how tax cuts translate into debt?? Boys and Girls: IT’S OUR MONEY TO BEGIN WITH. THE GOVERNMENT DOESNT OWN IT!!!!!
Bush was black? Huh, guess that makes him the first black president…. 😛
Misleading at best.