these buildings always have Video game ads on them. i believe that in Google Street View, there’s a GTA ad up, and it detected the faces in the ad, and blurred them out
13 years ago
That’s quite an ad…
I’m interested in Skyrim because it seems to do all of the things everybody thinks oblivion did, even though it secretly just sucked. Interested, but not with exceedingly high hopes.
Yep, thats’ why I think Skyrim will suck even harder.
Destrucctaur (#17271)
13 years ago
Oblivion had good things to it, but in most areas Morrowind was way superior. I doubt Skyrim will be any better. For one, we get ANOTHER major role-playing game where dragons are the main part of a storyline. *sigh* It’s so in every.single.freaking.RPG to come out in the last five years or so.
Seriously? Three months early?
They’re pushing it pretty hard, not sure how it is in US but I’ve seen about 3 movies in the last couple of month and this was in the ads of all 3.
It was during E3 if I remember correctly.
I want this game.
these buildings always have Video game ads on them. i believe that in Google Street View, there’s a GTA ad up, and it detected the faces in the ad, and blurred them out
That’s quite an ad…
I’m interested in Skyrim because it seems to do all of the things everybody thinks oblivion did, even though it secretly just sucked. Interested, but not with exceedingly high hopes.
No. The secret was that it rocket. People that just skimmed the surface don’t realize how deep and faceted the game was.
I actually bought, played and sold Oblivion before I got into it (buying it a second time).
“Rocket”? Hee-haw!
I’m afraid it’s gonna suck harder than Oblivion (maybe swords as blunt weapons, one piece armors, 2h main storyline, etc.).
I dunno. I’ve seen oblivion. It’s pretty shitty.
2/10, made me twitch
Yep, thats’ why I think Skyrim will suck even harder.
Oblivion had good things to it, but in most areas Morrowind was way superior. I doubt Skyrim will be any better. For one, we get ANOTHER major role-playing game where dragons are the main part of a storyline. *sigh* It’s so in every.single.freaking.RPG to come out in the last five years or so.