From I think someone posted his Spider-Man comics here before. He has a lot of comics where he changed the dialogue. His Batman origin is one of the funniest things I ever read.
This one was one of the first things I saw on that site, and it just amuses me to no end.
Pinkerton’s the shit. I had thought for awhile that they were the work of Jim Treacher ’cause I kept seeing his website adress shopped onto these lil’ masterpieces.
I haven’t seen anything new since he got married. I don’t even know what he’s doing any more. I dread the day his domain expires and all of his wonderfulness vanishes forever.
Jay Pinkerton wrote Portal 2. He works at Valve.
You can google it if you think I’m screwing with you.
Cool, thanks. Wish he’d do more comics.
I put my website address on my own comics, but not Pinkerton’s. If you saw a comic with my URL, it’s one of mine.
And yes, he’s hilarious.
Does anyone actually think GL:s mask looks good?
actually, i think it’s the rosy cheeks and the MASSIVE single tooth
Like a Baleen whale.
I’m out.