From the Advertisement Archive at the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin, Ireland. Best Guinness I’ve ever had…
Black is Beautiful – Guinness
Added on July 24th, 2011 by egnilk66 | Report Post
Tags:Advertisements, Alcohol, Food, Guinness, Humor, Racist, Wallpaper
Tags:Advertisements, Alcohol, Food, Guinness, Humor, Racist, Wallpaper
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It’s not just a rumor, guinness is crap in most other countries, well ok not CRAP, but it’s certainly better over here
Standing in the Guinness bar with a view out to the ocean I enjoyed the best Guinness I’ve ever had. It was a phenomenal experience.
My sis brought me back Guinness from Ireland. Tastes so much better than what we get here in the states.
its shit everywhere and drunk by douche bags.