Because the debate is whether something SPECIFIC you do is done by choice. Asking when I chose to do the opposite amounts to a little more than “NO U”.
Also this question makes the downright silly assumption that the desire for hetero sex needs to be chosen rather than being a natural, default action. You wanna suck dick, I don’t care. But don’t pretend it’s under duress.
But I’ll bite, I decided to be straight when I decided not to be a nasty, sexual deviant. Now what’s your point?
I get it now, none of you bigots actually understand the difference between sex and sexuality (Being gay isn’t something you “do”).
First you say sexuality isn’t chosen, then you say that you chose to be heterosexual when you chose not to be gay. I actually don’t have to add anything more to that. I’d call your position a paradox if “stupid” wasn’t a more apt name for it.
It’s funny how you don’t understand that this picture is making fun of ignorant people just like the one I’m taking to right now. But hey, thanks for making it blatantly obvious.
First you say sexuality isn’t chosen, then you say that you chose to be heterosexual when you chose not to be gay. I actually don’t have to add anything more to that. I’d call your position a paradox if “stupid” wasn’t a more apt name for it.
Doesn’t get sarcasm.
who the fuck said it’s under duress? Do you even know what that
word means?
I’ve really gotten under you’re skin, haven’t I? You’re really going out
of your way to lash out at me lately.
Your sad petulant rage amuses me, but here’s some advise. You come on these forums, lie your ass off, and attack people that your threatened by.
Then I call you on your lies and you leave in a huff. Then you get pissed
off and come back for more. Do you see the sad vicious cycle here?
Magnus, I know you’re a sociopath with delusions of grandeur and a
persecution complex, but there must be some tiny, rational part of your
brain that informs you that what you’re doing is kinda dumb. You step
in shit, cry about it, then intentionally step in it again.
I’m gay/bi/whatever and I never see the point in these arguments. It sounds like they want to say “I was born this way” as an excuse for being gay… It doesn’t matter why you are gay, just accept it and move on.
this kind of argument is not aimed at gay people so they can ‘accept it and move on’. It’s aimed at all those homophobic fuckwits with three brain cells that justify their position by telling themselves that homosexuality is a choice and therefore fair game.
Homosexuality is certainly anomalous behavior in a biological sense. I just don’t think it’s as harmful to society as conservatives claim. As for it being a choice, yes, it probably is. Because genetic predispositions to homosexuality wouldn’t survive long in the gene pool.
Some things can swim in the gene pool because (very simply put) one piece o’ gene doesn’t just equal one benefit or detriment.
Example. The gene that protects against malaria increases the chance of getting HIV/aids.
Moreover, it’s not for certain (as far as I know) that there is a gay gene, but that the hormones of the mother when the child is in the womb decides the sexuality.
But for the sake of argument, let’s say that there is a gay gene. Could it be possible that, as some people argue, sexuality exists on a sliding scale? Some people would consider themselves 100% straight, while bisexuals sit at around 50%. Some people could be *mostly* gay, but not entirely so. Research has shown that women has a change in preference in men depending on what time of the month it is, so could this not also apply to this sliding scale of sexuality?
One question I always ask people like yourself is this: What teenager would *choose* to be gay, and why? We know what kind of consequences it would have, and they are often unpleasant.
If you truly believe you can choose, try choosing to be attracted to the next hairy trucker you see. Did it work? If not: Myth Busted.
You have something of a point. Perhaps it’s a “sliding scale”, or perhaps it’s just a number of elements about another person (regardless of gender) that you inherently consider attractive.
But whether you actively go homo or not is still a choice. Affected by culture, maybe, but definitely a choice. I mean, I might also label myself as “bi-curious”, meaning I find some men attractive, but that doesn’t mean I’d go grabbing their butts.
Do you honestly believe the relationship between a straight married couple can be reduced to the mere occasional sexual act between the two? Of course you don’t.
Having sex with a man won’t make you any gayer than you are now.
Here’s a thought in favor of homosexuality by choice. Ancient Greece. Yes, I know homosexuality wasn’t as widespread as some people think, and that it was actually bisexuality (considering the men who were into their young male apprentices also had wives) but it was there.
If homosexuality is genetic, then we should assume that a large percentage of upper-class Greek males had those genes. A rather unlikely coincidence. Everything points to homosexuality by choice. And it wasn’t just about sex (free young meat readily available), it was about culture (references exist in Greek literature and mythology), seemingly even about love.
I don’t doubt that homosexuality as well as homosex existed back then. But if you claim that a significantly larger percentage of the population were having romantic homosexual relationships back then I’d love to see where you’ve gotten that information.
It would seem that a significant portion of
UPPER-CLASS Greek males had
sexual relationships with boys.
Whether it was common or not among
lower classes is unknown, since they
didn’t usually hit the news.
“The most widespread and socially significant form of
same-sex sexual relations in ancient Greece was
between adult men and pubescent or
adolescent boys, known as pederasty.”
First, before Magnus or any other trolls try to lie about what I
am saying, I am not defending the Greek practice of pederasty
in this post.
Ok, lemme get this straight.
It’s highly unlikely that a large number of upper class Greek
males had “gay genes” is unlikely. Because you say so. Why?
You have not considered alternative explanations. For instance,
a very low percentage of the modern population reports itself as
gay. However, we live in a society where there is
institutionalized intolerance of gays on many levels, which
would lead to fewer people identifying as gay.
However, in a society where homosexuality is not forbidden,
there is a larger amount of homosexuality.
If a large percentage of Greek upper class men
were homosexuals through genetics, then that
would stand to reason that it was similar in other
social classes as well, unless being born into
the aristocracy is also a genetic thing and in
correlation with homosexuality.
Now I remind you again that overpopulation
is a recent trend and a “gay gene” as a means
of controlling the number of births would have
become useful only recently. Child mortality
rate in ancient times was extremely high and,
thus, every child was valuable. A large percentage
of people being homosexual and unwilling to
reproduce would have spelled danger to
the survival of a society.
But Greek aristocrats, being or preparing to be
married, could reproduce AND have sex with
boys under their guardianship without
endangering their society with extinction.
This is my point, and why I consider
homo- or bisexuality to be a matter of
choice (at least in ancient Greece).
Originally, you said that it’s unlikely that a large number of
upper lass men were gay, and therefore it was a choice. You deserve a point by point rebuttal.
“If a large percentage of Greek upper class men
were homosexuals through genetics, then that
would stand to reason that it was similar in other
social classes as well, unless being born into
the aristocracy is also a genetic thing and in
correlation with homosexuality.”
Ok, so what. This is a big assumption unrelated to the point.
“Now I remind you again that overpopulation
is a recent trend and a “gay gene” as a means
of controlling the number of births would have
become useful only recently. Child mortality
rate in ancient times was extremely high and,
thus, every child was valuable. A large percentage
of people being homosexual and unwilling to
reproduce would have spelled danger to
the survival of a society.”
This is a separate issue. Irrelevant.
“But Greek aristocrats, being or preparing to be
married, could reproduce AND have sex with
boys under their guardianship without
endangering their society with extinction.
This is my point, and why I consider
homo- or bisexuality to be a matter of
choice (at least in ancient Greece).”
SO it was a choice because it was available and relatively
consequence free? I think you’re missing the boat here.
As Korinthian pointed out, there is a difference between
sexuality and sex acts. You can CHOOSE what you’re going to
fuck. You don’t choose WHAT you want to fuck.
I didn’t wake up one day and decide I like tits and ass, but I can
choose whether or not to motorboat the waitress at
What? I never said that a large part of Greek men
WEREN’T gay. A large part were gay (or bi,
whatever, let’s settle with one term),
as far as we can figure out considering we
don’t have any antique census data.
And my assumption was completely to the point.
Since you didn’t, or chose not to understand it,
I’ll make it clearer: the gayness of Greek
males was by choice for the reasons and logic
described in my previous post.
As for your other replies, well, I don’t
think these deserve a point-by-point
rebuttal, but I’ll do it anyway. My second
paragraph was, as always, completely
relevant and a counter-argument to the
claim by someone (Korinthian?) who
considered homosexuality a potential
tool of nature to regulate populations.
And your reply to my third paragraph
is once again derived from either your
inability to understand or to read.
I am not equating sexuality or sex acts,
in fact I specifically mentioned some
posts back that Greek males sodomizing
young boys was more than just sex. It
was a choice because it was available
and consequence free. I’m yet to see
a valid argument to the contrary.
And you can choose what you want to
fuck. If not otherwise, then through
pressure by society and self-whipping.
Certainly you’ve read those testimonials
that conservatives love to link,
where former gays convinced
themselves that it was wrong
and learned to lust after women,
and ended up happily
married hetero men.
I can’t confirm their validity,
but they’re there, and not
too illogical either.
You’d be surprised what kind of genes thrive when overpopulation hits – all sorts of shit that you’d think would be bad for the species as a whole just starts running rampant as if the species itself is saying, “Yeah, we could stand a little less of us.”
You’d think being a fucking dumbass wouldn’t survive very long in the genepool – and yet…
Addendum: I’m not saying correlation is causation here – I’m just saying that we have a very large sample to work with when looking for genes that you’d think would have died out by now.
Tell me about the first time you fantasized about sex with a man, Magnus.
13 years ago
faggotness is an anomaly in the gene pool. nobody is perfect. most people are straight, because thats how nature intended it. then some are faggots. whether they choose to be ones or are born that way is another question. however those that are faggots are not in line with natural process. its ok with me since that leaves me with more pussy.
if you were gay
that’d be okay.
i mean ’cause, hey,
i’d like you anyway.
because you see,
if it were me,
i would feel free
to say that i was gay
(but i’m not gay.)
so what should it
matter to me
what you do in bed
with guys?
Just about the time I discovered my dick could go into vaginas and between titties. When I found out about anal sex, I was just too into vaginas and titties to give that up.
We are born straight. The question is when do we decide to go gay.
Fail Logic/10
troll harder.
Nope. No fail logic.
The argument that homosexuality is a choice is a circular argument.
This is a proof by contradiction.
Learn more stuff dood.
No its pretty clear. You just don’t get it. Sad. At least you’re not alone.
If you can’t explain *why* it’s bad logic: you’re the troll.
Because you’ve got your fellow REEEEEEEETAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD.
Hey retard!
Oh look. Navi is back.
He doesn’t care. Remember that his usual angle is to lie outright.
Because the debate is whether something SPECIFIC you do is done by choice. Asking when I chose to do the opposite amounts to a little more than “NO U”.
Also this question makes the downright silly assumption that the desire for hetero sex needs to be chosen rather than being a natural, default action. You wanna suck dick, I don’t care. But don’t pretend it’s under duress.
But I’ll bite, I decided to be straight when I decided not to be a nasty, sexual deviant. Now what’s your point?
I get it now, none of you bigots actually understand the difference between sex and sexuality (Being gay isn’t something you “do”).
First you say sexuality isn’t chosen, then you say that you chose to be heterosexual when you chose not to be gay. I actually don’t have to add anything more to that. I’d call your position a paradox if “stupid” wasn’t a more apt name for it.
It’s funny how you don’t understand that this picture is making fun of ignorant people just like the one I’m taking to right now. But hey, thanks for making it blatantly obvious.
No, it amounts to quite a bit more than “NO U”.
By pointing out how silly it would be to say you choose to be straight,
this demonstrates how silly it is to say homosexuality is a choice.
Also, who the fuck said it’s under duress? Do you even know what that
word means?
Logic, foo.
First you say sexuality isn’t chosen, then you say that you chose to be heterosexual when you chose not to be gay. I actually don’t have to add anything more to that. I’d call your position a paradox if “stupid” wasn’t a more apt name for it.
Doesn’t get sarcasm.
who the fuck said it’s under duress? Do you even know what that
word means?
Doesn’t get hyperbole.
We get ’em when they’re done right.
Came to say what hochunk said.
Who gives a shit either way.
The answer would be religious fundamentalists, who are most likely repressed homosexuals.
I really want to know if Bin Laden had gay porn on his computer. For that matter I want to know if Pat Robertson has gay porn on his computer.
Pat Robertson probably has nude pictures of himself on his computer. And he masturbates daily.
God you’re a fucking loser.
Travel. Do something. This is sad to read. You’re pathetic ans cared of the big bad world.
If he did, it would be homosexual masturbation.
Are you in favor of homosexuality? I could’ve sworn you were opposed to it.
I think he’s in the closet. That would explain the constant
homophobia and hostile macho posturing.
I’ve really gotten under you’re skin, haven’t I? You’re really going out
of your way to lash out at me lately.
Your sad petulant rage amuses me, but here’s some advise. You come on these forums, lie your ass off, and attack people that your threatened by.
Then I call you on your lies and you leave in a huff. Then you get pissed
off and come back for more. Do you see the sad vicious cycle here?
Magnus, I know you’re a sociopath with delusions of grandeur and a
persecution complex, but there must be some tiny, rational part of your
brain that informs you that what you’re doing is kinda dumb. You step
in shit, cry about it, then intentionally step in it again.
Can’t you see he’s in love with you?
I’m gay/bi/whatever and I never see the point in these arguments. It sounds like they want to say “I was born this way” as an excuse for being gay… It doesn’t matter why you are gay, just accept it and move on.
It’s weird that you’re both bisexual and oblivious to why it matters.
I think someone’s pants are on fire.
this kind of argument is not aimed at gay people so they can ‘accept it and move on’. It’s aimed at all those homophobic fuckwits with three brain cells that justify their position by telling themselves that homosexuality is a choice and therefore fair game.
about 2 mins after i realised how gay being a fag is
When I touched boobs.
They were squishy?
They bit you?
You discovered you did not like them?
You discovered you liked them?
The bouncer threw you out of the strip club?
You discovered you are gay?
You were bitch slapped like a real bitch?
Homosexuality is certainly anomalous behavior in a biological sense. I just don’t think it’s as harmful to society as conservatives claim. As for it being a choice, yes, it probably is. Because genetic predispositions to homosexuality wouldn’t survive long in the gene pool.
lern 2 biology.
Some things can swim in the gene pool because (very simply put) one piece o’ gene doesn’t just equal one benefit or detriment.
Example. The gene that protects against malaria increases the chance of getting HIV/aids.
Moreover, it’s not for certain (as far as I know) that there is a gay gene, but that the hormones of the mother when the child is in the womb decides the sexuality.
But for the sake of argument, let’s say that there is a gay gene. Could it be possible that, as some people argue, sexuality exists on a sliding scale? Some people would consider themselves 100% straight, while bisexuals sit at around 50%. Some people could be *mostly* gay, but not entirely so. Research has shown that women has a change in preference in men depending on what time of the month it is, so could this not also apply to this sliding scale of sexuality?
One question I always ask people like yourself is this: What teenager would *choose* to be gay, and why? We know what kind of consequences it would have, and they are often unpleasant.
If you truly believe you can choose, try choosing to be attracted to the next hairy trucker you see. Did it work? If not: Myth Busted.
You have something of a point. Perhaps it’s a “sliding scale”, or perhaps it’s just a number of elements about another person (regardless of gender) that you inherently consider attractive.
But whether you actively go homo or not is still a choice. Affected by culture, maybe, but definitely a choice. I mean, I might also label myself as “bi-curious”, meaning I find some men attractive, but that doesn’t mean I’d go grabbing their butts.
You don’t seem to understand the difference between homosexuality homosexual sex.
homosexuality and homosexual sex*
So what does homosexuality mean in your book?
You can look the definition up on the Internet.
Do you honestly believe the relationship between a straight married couple can be reduced to the mere occasional sexual act between the two? Of course you don’t.
Having sex with a man won’t make you any gayer than you are now.
Gay sex is rape? You really have gone off the deep end, Mags.
Maggie is back on the crack for sure.
Here’s a thought in favor of homosexuality by choice. Ancient Greece. Yes, I know homosexuality wasn’t as widespread as some people think, and that it was actually bisexuality (considering the men who were into their young male apprentices also had wives) but it was there.
If homosexuality is genetic, then we should assume that a large percentage of upper-class Greek males had those genes. A rather unlikely coincidence. Everything points to homosexuality by choice. And it wasn’t just about sex (free young meat readily available), it was about culture (references exist in Greek literature and mythology), seemingly even about love.
You’re making sense and thinking it will be effective in dealing with retards.
The more sense you make won’t matter. Being gay may or not be a choice but these fucking idiots were for sure born slow.
I don’t doubt that homosexuality as well as homosex existed back then. But if you claim that a significantly larger percentage of the population were having romantic homosexual relationships back then I’d love to see where you’ve gotten that information.
It would seem that a significant portion of
UPPER-CLASS Greek males had
sexual relationships with boys.
Whether it was common or not among
lower classes is unknown, since they
didn’t usually hit the news.
“The most widespread and socially significant form of
same-sex sexual relations in ancient Greece was
between adult men and pubescent or
adolescent boys, known as pederasty.”
First, before Magnus or any other trolls try to lie about what I
am saying, I am not defending the Greek practice of pederasty
in this post.
Ok, lemme get this straight.
It’s highly unlikely that a large number of upper class Greek
males had “gay genes” is unlikely. Because you say so. Why?
You have not considered alternative explanations. For instance,
a very low percentage of the modern population reports itself as
gay. However, we live in a society where there is
institutionalized intolerance of gays on many levels, which
would lead to fewer people identifying as gay.
However, in a society where homosexuality is not forbidden,
there is a larger amount of homosexuality.
Think about it.
I don’t know, that looks more like sexual contracts (in the example of pederasty) and having a convenient source of sex in the military to me.
If a large percentage of Greek upper class men
were homosexuals through genetics, then that
would stand to reason that it was similar in other
social classes as well, unless being born into
the aristocracy is also a genetic thing and in
correlation with homosexuality.
Now I remind you again that overpopulation
is a recent trend and a “gay gene” as a means
of controlling the number of births would have
become useful only recently. Child mortality
rate in ancient times was extremely high and,
thus, every child was valuable. A large percentage
of people being homosexual and unwilling to
reproduce would have spelled danger to
the survival of a society.
But Greek aristocrats, being or preparing to be
married, could reproduce AND have sex with
boys under their guardianship without
endangering their society with extinction.
This is my point, and why I consider
homo- or bisexuality to be a matter of
choice (at least in ancient Greece).
You changed your point.
Originally, you said that it’s unlikely that a large number of
upper lass men were gay, and therefore it was a choice. You deserve a point by point rebuttal.
“If a large percentage of Greek upper class men
were homosexuals through genetics, then that
would stand to reason that it was similar in other
social classes as well, unless being born into
the aristocracy is also a genetic thing and in
correlation with homosexuality.”
Ok, so what. This is a big assumption unrelated to the point.
“Now I remind you again that overpopulation
is a recent trend and a “gay gene” as a means
of controlling the number of births would have
become useful only recently. Child mortality
rate in ancient times was extremely high and,
thus, every child was valuable. A large percentage
of people being homosexual and unwilling to
reproduce would have spelled danger to
the survival of a society.”
This is a separate issue. Irrelevant.
“But Greek aristocrats, being or preparing to be
married, could reproduce AND have sex with
boys under their guardianship without
endangering their society with extinction.
This is my point, and why I consider
homo- or bisexuality to be a matter of
choice (at least in ancient Greece).”
SO it was a choice because it was available and relatively
consequence free? I think you’re missing the boat here.
As Korinthian pointed out, there is a difference between
sexuality and sex acts. You can CHOOSE what you’re going to
fuck. You don’t choose WHAT you want to fuck.
I didn’t wake up one day and decide I like tits and ass, but I can
choose whether or not to motorboat the waitress at
What? I never said that a large part of Greek men
WEREN’T gay. A large part were gay (or bi,
whatever, let’s settle with one term),
as far as we can figure out considering we
don’t have any antique census data.
And my assumption was completely to the point.
Since you didn’t, or chose not to understand it,
I’ll make it clearer: the gayness of Greek
males was by choice for the reasons and logic
described in my previous post.
As for your other replies, well, I don’t
think these deserve a point-by-point
rebuttal, but I’ll do it anyway. My second
paragraph was, as always, completely
relevant and a counter-argument to the
claim by someone (Korinthian?) who
considered homosexuality a potential
tool of nature to regulate populations.
And your reply to my third paragraph
is once again derived from either your
inability to understand or to read.
I am not equating sexuality or sex acts,
in fact I specifically mentioned some
posts back that Greek males sodomizing
young boys was more than just sex. It
was a choice because it was available
and consequence free. I’m yet to see
a valid argument to the contrary.
And you can choose what you want to
fuck. If not otherwise, then through
pressure by society and self-whipping.
Certainly you’ve read those testimonials
that conservatives love to link,
where former gays convinced
themselves that it was wrong
and learned to lust after women,
and ended up happily
married hetero men.
I can’t confirm their validity,
but they’re there, and not
too illogical either.
You’d be surprised what kind of genes thrive when overpopulation hits – all sorts of shit that you’d think would be bad for the species as a whole just starts running rampant as if the species itself is saying, “Yeah, we could stand a little less of us.”
You’d think being a fucking dumbass wouldn’t survive very long in the genepool – and yet…
Addendum: I’m not saying correlation is causation here – I’m just saying that we have a very large sample to work with when looking for genes that you’d think would have died out by now.
How is genetic diversity ‘bad’ for a species?
Biology fail.
The fact that I even have to read this shit negates any argument of choice or by borth because either way FAGS ARE FUCKING ANNOYING.
You can all die from AIDS because you feminize yourselves and you don’t know when to keep your weak little bitch ass mouths shut.
Now fuckoff.
Tell me about the first time you fantasized about sex with a man, Magnus.
faggotness is an anomaly in the gene pool. nobody is perfect. most people are straight, because thats how nature intended it. then some are faggots. whether they choose to be ones or are born that way is another question. however those that are faggots are not in line with natural process. its ok with me since that leaves me with more pussy.
I don’t care if you’re straight or gay or a lesbian or transgender- just stop bogarting that joint! Puff – puff – pass, bitch!
Our country must be in awesome shape if this is the only thing that people get upset and preoccupied with.
if you were gay
that’d be okay.
i mean ’cause, hey,
i’d like you anyway.
because you see,
if it were me,
i would feel free
to say that i was gay
(but i’m not gay.)
so what should it
matter to me
what you do in bed
with guys?
You know how I know you’re gay?
You know how I know you’re gay?
You look forward to Cashmods post.
inb4 equality.
Just about the time I discovered my dick could go into vaginas and between titties. When I found out about anal sex, I was just too into vaginas and titties to give that up.
P.S. you can fuck girls in the ass too.
*high five*