this is our legacy

this is our legacy

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    Fuck that, I want to leave behind a neutron incinerator bomb!


    My father was a (very small – 2nd LT) part of Operation Castle. He saw five nuclear explosions.


    Thats a badass legacy.


    The legacy of our own destruction.


    So….all our art, our history, our civilization and society’s products, everything we’ve built up to this point….ISN’T our Legacy?

    Wouldn’t it be more accurate to call this a legacy of our government….I doubt Americans as a whole will ever get their hands on one of these bombs (and if they do start handing these out I call dibs). It’s the legacy of a select few….not Americans or humans as a whole.



    Luke Magnifico

    If this is to be our legacy then future generations will look back at us and say “Hot damn, those guys were bitchin'”.


    the future’s gonna be populated by a bunch of pansy asses.


    So they’re all going to be your children?


    SO this is our legacy….
    A weapon that saved over a million Allied– and Japanese— lives, by forcing the Japanese army to surrender BEFORE we had to engage a beach head invasion that would have made Normandy look like a minor skirmish.

    A weapon that held the Soviet Empire at sword point and arm’s length until it finally collapsed.

    A weapon that has gone completely unused for 66 years.

    Pretty bitchin’ legacy, in my opinion.


    “because WE GOT THE BOMBS” dennis leary.


    Fuck that, a nuclear bomb is just a big bomb. One single night of fire bombing in tokyo caused more deaths than either of the bombs dropped on Hiroshima or Nagasaki. This is a weak ass legacy. A better legacy is coveting thy neighbors wife/shit/dog/car. That drives us to be better/stronger/faster/more violent.

    john rose

    That is so beautiful…

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