Who the fuck cares what you prefer? Notice how you instantly turned this guys happy moment into a twisted, “please notice me/love me daddy” moment? Who are you to lessen this guys minute of pride? Go to the gas station. Fill a gas can. Pour it over you. Light a match. Entire universe celebrates.
Why exactly? Now it is a picture of a guy on a motorcycle wearing short sleeves and without a helmet, which makes him a moron (except that he stated that he was just getting his picture taken, not going for a ride), but how is this casemodish?
seconded. youre in florida, right? if any other MCSers are in the daytona area, we should wander around on two wheels, nearly getting run over by old farts who shouldnt be driving anymore.
I’m planning a trip to the Keys this fall. A relatively short trip from Sarasota, but it’ll be my longest.
I may end up in Daytona one of these days, if I don’t get run over first.
Robert Spam (#9960)
13 years ago
If you’re thinking of getting another motorcycle, check out the Ural!! It’s an off-road, side-car, 2 wheel drive beast from the former Soviet Union. Based on the BMW boxer design. Machine gun mount also available!
I prefer the dragon choppers (and green color) but that’s pretty cool..
maybe put some ape bars and a long seat back or w/e it’s called.
Who the fuck cares what you prefer? Notice how you instantly turned this guys happy moment into a twisted, “please notice me/love me daddy” moment? Who are you to lessen this guys minute of pride? Go to the gas station. Fill a gas can. Pour it over you. Light a match. Entire universe celebrates.
Seriously- post a photo of yourself dead- I’ll set it as my wallpaper. I Promise.
how exactly would that happen/
Who cares how it would happen, we can dream, right?
You wouldn’t ruin our dreams, would you, Tiki?
Cameras still have timers, don’t they?
Yeah, but remember how casemeth’s camera takes pictures from the future?
This way we’ll have something to look forward to.
With a DeLorean time machine, duh!
for a moment there you resembled me the guy who posted above
I was worried about that, trust me.
nice bike, now do a wheelie and post results. Do it!
You couldn’t look more homosexual if you tried. bike fag.
Now THIS guy is worse than Casemods in all senses.
Why exactly? Now it is a picture of a guy on a motorcycle wearing short sleeves and without a helmet, which makes him a moron (except that he stated that he was just getting his picture taken, not going for a ride), but how is this casemodish?
While we have some terrible drivers in Florida, so far my driveway has proven safe. Of course I wear a jacket and helmet when I ride.
Nice bike. Where are you going to ride?
seconded. youre in florida, right? if any other MCSers are in the daytona area, we should wander around on two wheels, nearly getting run over by old farts who shouldnt be driving anymore.
I’m planning a trip to the Keys this fall. A relatively short trip from Sarasota, but it’ll be my longest.
I may end up in Daytona one of these days, if I don’t get run over first.
If you’re thinking of getting another motorcycle, check out the Ural!! It’s an off-road, side-car, 2 wheel drive beast from the former Soviet Union. Based on the BMW boxer design. Machine gun mount also available!
Nice, always liked the look of this Harley the best. Got a VTX 1800 myself.