In case you didn’t know how people work: People won’t expand the picture if they think they can see all the picture and read all the text without doing so.
My local pool has private changing rooms for members. One minute you’re getting changed ready for a relaxing swin and sauna – next thing there’s a naked stranger dude talking to you. Its as if they are oblivious of their own genitals. This guy asks me a question – like “hey buddy hows it going?”, I turn to respond and am greeted by his naked hairy ass crack as he bends down to put a sock on. Like he timed it perfectly so I get a full view of his anus. Jeeeez. Now I use the public changing rooms – which are – get this – private. I can lock myself away from the naked men.
In case you missed the minuscule gray text:
or, in case you didn’t know how MCS works, just click the pic for the original (large) version.
this works for posted wallpapers, too.
In case you didn’t know how people work: People won’t expand the picture if they think they can see all the picture and read all the text without doing so.
Tis true.
My local pool has private changing rooms for members. One minute you’re getting changed ready for a relaxing swin and sauna – next thing there’s a naked stranger dude talking to you. Its as if they are oblivious of their own genitals. This guy asks me a question – like “hey buddy hows it going?”, I turn to respond and am greeted by his naked hairy ass crack as he bends down to put a sock on. Like he timed it perfectly so I get a full view of his anus. Jeeeez. Now I use the public changing rooms – which are – get this – private. I can lock myself away from the naked men.
I think this belongs here: