DARPA 2021.
is that a fucking Zoid? I loved that show!
Are you sure that its not a wolverine?
I fucking forgot about zoids, I need to go watch that now.
WTF!!! I just checked netflix and I cant get zoids! thats bullshit, I need to contemplate my no illegal downloads rule.
Totally forgot about this one too…this website has it though.
Zoids is the shit, I torrented every series of it in existence a while ago.
that image is of a movie? or a game? if so, as it is called? i hope your answer!
DARPA 2021.
is that a fucking Zoid? I loved that show!
Are you sure that its not a wolverine?
I fucking forgot about zoids, I need to go watch that now.
WTF!!! I just checked netflix and I cant get zoids! thats bullshit, I need to contemplate my no illegal downloads rule.
Totally forgot about this one too…this website has it though.
Zoids is the shit, I torrented every series of it in existence a while ago.
that image is of a movie? or a game? if so, as it is called? i hope your answer!