Ready for a flame war!

I don’t think this is a normal person’s room.

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    How blind do you have to be to have a monitor that size? I’m really hoping that it’s 1080P as well, but it wouldn’t surprise me it was only 720P.

    And wouldn’t you put the big one in front of you?

    And who puts their cordless headsets that high anyway?


    Even 1080p sucks. To put it in xkcd terms, the resolution is twice as good as my cell phone and almost as good as the LCD monitor I was using in 2004. Television is shitty quality, even in HD, compared to computer capability – using one as a monitor is just a bad idea (speaking from experience).

    Despite the fact that having access to that array of objects would be quite satisfying, seeing them all in that area displayed in such a way leads me to the conclusion that whoever calls that room home is probably one of those 500 pounders who reads Soldier of Fortune in between WoW raids and screams racial slurs and headshot jargon into his Call of Duty headset.

    I don’t even know why I’m rambling like this was a troll post. I’m gonna go find something to do.


    i see at least three keyboards, and potentially two more for the laptops… a real geek would have everything running off of a single keyboard…

    but apart from that, i know people who have rooms like that, so it doesn’t strike me as that odd…

    Alec Dalek

    I think they’re seriously compensating some size issues.


    You say that now, but when the zombie apocalypse comes, this guy looks ready.


    Umm.. I find it funny that he can afford so much equipment but cannot seem to get a better keyboard


    I find it funny that he has all this crap and still confines himself to what appears to be a tiny box room.


    This is clearly a computer gamer’s setup. If those weapons are not of the airsoft variety, then I am completely envious.


    Is that person using internet explorer/firefox?

    What an ass.

    Alec Dalek

    You’re dissing Firefox? You’re an ass!


    Clearly you people haven’t seen Kick-Ass. That is the home of Big Daddy.


    P99, M79, SPAS-12, Barret – do want.
    Maybe chair too.


    I think the combination of Windows XP, Yahoo news as a homepage and the lightsaber in a display case over the monitor, all totally invalidate any ‘cool’ factor this person may have been going for.


    I’ll stick to my triple 21′ screens, But well done dude !
    Now about all those weapons on the side now…


    You think he might be making 3d renderings of the various weapons for a FPS? maybe…? seems a more likely explanation.


    Lol, this all belongs to his dad I bet!

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