If they were actually able to be built semi practically, aka not 999999 trillion each, not use more fuel than the entire US in one day each, ect. I think they would be very practical. Assuming it’s a “fast” type of mech that is very maneuverable since most conventional weapons would have a hard time hitting it in the first place because of the erratic movement. The construction is the only impractical aspect currently.
my first read was gay robot.
I love me some mecha. Now, if only we can make it a practical form of combat…
If they were actually able to be built semi practically, aka not 999999 trillion each, not use more fuel than the entire US in one day each, ect. I think they would be very practical. Assuming it’s a “fast” type of mech that is very maneuverable since most conventional weapons would have a hard time hitting it in the first place because of the erratic movement. The construction is the only impractical aspect currently.
A good example of a light mech lies in Armored Core IMO. http://armoredcore.wikia.com/wiki/SOLUH_%28SALAF/SALAUX%29 This is the sort I use in AC4, with some modifications. Staying off the ground=life.