A-10 firing

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    Man you find the BEST aircraft porn!


    So, would this be the proverbial “money shot”, then?


    No, this is the “Foreplay Shot”. The “Money Shot” happens down range when the Turret goes flying off the Tank.



    casemods UID# 667


    As a veteran aircraft engineer I can honestly say that this aircraft is over heating.


    best airplane ever!!!


    Correction: this airplane is called a tank buster for a particular reason. in a dog fight this wouldn’t last that long. That why this airplane is always accompanied with other fighterjets


    that doesn’t make me like it any less 😛


    Upon what do you base your theory? Maneuverable as fuck, can take a punishing, carries Sidewinders, and lord help the other guy in his 200 million Tonka toy aircraft if the Warthog guns him… These things have been punished in battle and STILL gotten home. If you refer to a missile kill, when then NOTHING has a chance, but a real dogfight? Come on. But you may be right… solely because I don’t think anything would knife fight with it. Also, you are comparing apples to Cadillacs.


    I’m sorry, but this thing is designed for the express purpose of tank-killing. Why blame it for being really good at what it does. It first flew in 1972 and has been in service since 1978, and is still the best vehicle for doing what it is supposed to do. This thing rips apart tanks (TANKS!). Not with missiles, but with a freaking gun! It does that while laughing at anti-aircraft fire (something nothing else in the American arsenal can do). These babies are bad-ass and you know it!


    DERNAZIKING = Atkinson?

    Methinks so.

    Plane designed around a gun that shoots depleted uranium bullets the size of soda cans while the pilot sits in a titanium cockpit tub?
    What’s not to love?


    And the only air support I could get in Iraq went we made contact were fucking jets that were flying to damn fast to be able to ID friendlies. All because the stupid airforce doesn’t like the A-10 and would have never built them if they had not been forced to. Mutli-puropse can do everything super jets my ass. I would have rather had an A-10 over head.


    They give me such a geek-on – that sound is hilarious.



    oops, pasted wrong link – good job it wasn’t my tranny link

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