I framed my girlfriend’s Dexter poster at work the other day. The mat I had in mind to use was a dark red suede mat, but when I put the mat over the poster it was obvious the reds wouldn’t match. I asked my boss for advice and he suggested just using a plain 8-ply white mat. I thought that was a little too boring, but then I remembered I still had some fake blood from Halloween. This is the end result.
I felt like Jackson Pollack
The only Dexter is Dexter’s Laboratory.
Like this? http://maxcdn.fooyoh.com/files/attach/images/3004/354/583/004/dexter.jpg
Looks great.
If I give you some white paint and a black mat, can you do the same for my MoneyShot IV: The Return of Skeets Galore poster?
perfect. nice job!
-I felt like Jackson Pollock-
As in you got drunk and killed yourself in an auto accident?
freakin awesome dude!