you ever dance with the devil in the moon light
Added on May 27th, 2011 by franciscadurant | Report Post
Tags:Batman, Movies, Quotes, The Joker, Wallpaper
Tags:Batman, Movies, Quotes, The Joker, Wallpaper
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Yes I have. Her name was Debbie.
Obviously Sam Hamm and Warren Skaaren were listening to Slayer when they wrote the script.
I still cannot get over that blotch of purpleness on the neck ever since I saw it on the DVD Extras. Been watching the movie for more than 15 years and never noticed the damn thing, now I can’t help but look at it every single fuckin’ time.
Hey, look, a fat guy failing to play The Joker.
That has got to be one of the worst throw away lines in cinema. It’s meaning less and purposeless and isn’t even cool. I mean many it would sound good in the 80’s but time was running out when the movie was released. Fuck!
Honestly, I agree with you.
I would have rather we had seen Mark Hamil play him, even then.
Exhibit A: