I’ve seen cuter, less illustrated gals at the range…tats are a preference I just don’t have. Even after 6 years in the military I never thought I needed one. My wife has three and it doesn’t really bother me…but she doesn’t have sleeves and such.
As for the statement of her knowledge…possible…but I am skeptical of its validity.
I think I know what everyone’s problem is… your fat has seeped into your brain, making you batshit crazy, and distorting your vision. See your doctor/find a treadmill.
The photo on the far right… tell me she’s not a tattooed, small, white version of Jessica Alba. OR maybe I’m just the insane one.
I’m not crazy about the frisbees in her ears, but yeah… she’s hot.
Some people say the body is a canvas – but she looks like the sketchpad of a freshman from high school metal shop. Compound that with the fact that I don’t see a single thing in this image, from expression to style, that doesn’t scream “unresolved issues that won’t be dealt with any time soon.”
I think she’s very pretty, but that doesn’t add to or subtract from her value as a person, merely an accident of ancestry. I don’t mind the tattoos, but I think she could have been more thematic. They’re just placed all over with no regard for composition or compatibility. And some of them just aren’t very good. And I think inside-the-earlobe hoops are stupid.
I would date her and encourage her to either seek therapy or call me Daddy. Her pick.
Posting a reply to a comment which you assume is the same as the previous one is like judging a movie by its prequel.
That could be a Bad Thing if we’re talking Star Wars.
13 years ago
Weird. That chick does all of my tattoos. Never knew she was internet famous, let alone mcs worthy. She does have a good personality, she even has a Neil DIamond tattoo…you just can’t beat that.
Her face is average at best.
Though maybe the fact that she’s a skanky attention whore is skewing my perspective.
Sort of repost.
I’ve seen cuter, less illustrated gals at the range…tats are a preference I just don’t have. Even after 6 years in the military I never thought I needed one. My wife has three and it doesn’t really bother me…but she doesn’t have sleeves and such.
As for the statement of her knowledge…possible…but I am skeptical of its validity.
Let’s not forget that little Miss “Unique Expressions” is a corporate shill.
and has Ear-spacers.
post-op Gok Wan
You’re all out of your mind. I’d hit it like a screen door in a hurricane.
You’d try to, but she’d be all like “meh – are you in yet? Fuck this I’ll finish myself off”
Nah, she’d just think she was getting another tattoo –a tiny needle pricking her at high speed 😀
Well played Sir, well played.
Smelly, stretched earlobes? Check.
Facial tattoos? Check.
Sooper classy neck tattoos? Check.
Attention whoreness? Check.
After being married to one of these “women”… you could NOT pay me enough…
Smelly? What??
Boys who like girls to be boys who like girls that like boys to be girls….
(nostalgia mode on)
She looks like she eats small children.
What about it? She’s a corporate barbie doll. And, judging by the ear gauges and chunky black glasses, a complete hipster.
I’m pretty sure they’re not even prescription.
Nothing wrong with being an attention whore if you’re a decent looking female.
Her shape/face may be ok, but I simply cannot respect anyone who does that shit to their body. But I’d hit it anyway.
A chick with tonnes of tattoos that isn’t fat or outright busted in the face! Nice find!
I think I know what everyone’s problem is… your fat has seeped into your brain, making you batshit crazy, and distorting your vision. See your doctor/find a treadmill.
The photo on the far right… tell me she’s not a tattooed, small, white version of Jessica Alba. OR maybe I’m just the insane one.
I’m not crazy about the frisbees in her ears, but yeah… she’s hot.
I noticed the resemblance to Jessica Alba immediately.
She lives for god, guns, ink, and to swallow. Any woman with three tats of swallows on her- SWALLOWS a LOT.
Some people say the body is a canvas – but she looks like the sketchpad of a freshman from high school metal shop. Compound that with the fact that I don’t see a single thing in this image, from expression to style, that doesn’t scream “unresolved issues that won’t be dealt with any time soon.”
I will pass. She’s all your’s.
I think she’s very pretty, but that doesn’t add to or subtract from her value as a person, merely an accident of ancestry. I don’t mind the tattoos, but I think she could have been more thematic. They’re just placed all over with no regard for composition or compatibility. And some of them just aren’t very good. And I think inside-the-earlobe hoops are stupid.
I would date her and encourage her to either seek therapy or call me Daddy. Her pick.
neck and below is awesome, I agree
It would be funny if you guys actually talked to her and turns out she has an awesome personality, shaming you into changing your mind.
Posting on an image blog and asking us to take personality into account is like asking us how the flowers in a painting smell.
Since I’m an expert: another stupid comment.
He did mention talking to her.
He didn’t previously. I’m treating this comment as an addendum to that, seeing as they deal with similar subject matter.
Posting a reply to a comment which you assume is the same as the previous one is like judging a movie by its prequel.
That could be a Bad Thing if we’re talking Star Wars.
Weird. That chick does all of my tattoos. Never knew she was internet famous, let alone mcs worthy. She does have a good personality, she even has a Neil DIamond tattoo…you just can’t beat that.
Religious tattoos. Even though the bible says no tattoos.
She’s Catholic. Catholics don’t care about the rules in the bible or they’d not have so many graven images in their churches.
Her head looks disproportionately large compared to the rest of her body