This person clearly has issues with sluts.
Sluts make this type of images, tinted with green/violet and some words written with helvetica.
In the words of Denis Leary, “life sucks, get a helmet.”
Man the fuck up and enjoy the precious treats of adult life. It’s a short thing, and living in a shell robs you of everything you could enjoy.
Unless you’re a snail.
If you can’t look back then what will you see when you look forward. And how will you understand your kids…anyways, nice shot of Hull/Ottawa. Kinda hit me weird when I recognized it lol.
This person clearly has issues with sluts.
Sluts make this type of images, tinted with green/violet and some words written with helvetica.
In the words of Denis Leary, “life sucks, get a helmet.”
Man the fuck up and enjoy the precious treats of adult life. It’s a short thing, and living in a shell robs you of everything you could enjoy.
Unless you’re a snail.
If you can’t look back then what will you see when you look forward.
And how will you understand your kids…anyways, nice shot of Hull/Ottawa.
Kinda hit me weird when I recognized it lol.