military kitten
Added on May 15th, 2011 by | Report Post
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, LOLcats, Military, Wallpaper, Weapons
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, LOLcats, Military, Wallpaper, Weapons
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Arrest it and condemn it to death without a trial!
Worst bulletproof vest EVER!
indeed kittens offer little in the way of bullet proofing…
btw, the vest is just a regular combat load used in the picture for guard duty. It’s common practice to only wear the ballistic vest – an under armor with some bullet stopping capacity – when expecting trouble. besides, the guy ( u.s army soldier ? not a sailor or marine… right ?) is obviously guarding the ship as it’s docking on some foreign port, so it’s more about theft and keeping visible then fighting off some enemy force.
So it’s a guard kitten?
military kitten know no mercy
Um… it IS a Sailor, his rank is right there… *points to screen*
They’re on watch for that damned sniper dog.
I couldn’t shoot at him if he had that on though, so pretty good defense.