On Thursday, the German news channel N24 was covering the death of Osama bin Laden and how the US Navy’s “SEAL Team Six” headed up the mission in Pakistan last Sunday. At one point N24 host Mick Locher showed off what he thought was the official emblem for SEAL Team Six [see above]. Locher even commented (translated from German) on the emblem:
And they also have the ‘Team Six,’ that carried out the mission. They don’t have the skull in their emblem for nothing.
Locher didn’t seem to notice (or care) that the skull in question was from a Klingon and included a bolted-on eyepatch. He and N24 also appear undeterred by the emblem’s inclusion of a phaser, 3 Klingon bat’leth swords and the word “Maquis.” The original Maquis were a French resistance guerrilla group who (ironically) fought against German occupation in World War II. That group inspired the name for the Maquis seen in Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, who fought against Cardassia in former Federation colonies.
via Topless Robot.
i’m a german citizen and believe me, my pets don’t look channel N24.
I’m not sure what sort of drugs they use in this TV Channel.
And yes, kudos to your special forces who did that, great job.
Deutschland, BUMSEN JA
I only fight Germans ironically too.
TV lies, or broadcast pure bullshit.
Nothing unusual about it.