Osama bin Laden is dead

Osama bin Laden is dead, CNN John King’s reported Sunday night, citing sources. President Barack Obama is to address the nation momentarily regarding bin Laden’s death

Well I guess that’s that.

via CNN.com

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    2)ps i have been waiting for obama for 45min, black people are always late.

    tiki god

    yeah yeah and yeah.

    though I imagine it’s not his blackness that’s causing the delay, they’re likely scrubbing OBL’s body down for public display


    I read the news and here are my first 3 thoughts:

    1) Only 10 years later. Yawn.
    2) Now what? We pull outta Afghanistan? Al-Qaeda just gonna disband and go home? Life just goes on?
    3) I gotta take a dump.



    Apparently he was found in PAKIstan near to one of their military compounds.

    “Now what?”



    And now they’re mad we in their base killin their dudes

    seriously guise, whats gonna happen now?


    Can I get a hell yeah?

    tiki god

    hell yeah








    Thanks. I will now associate this moment in history with NBA Jam.

    Wait, that’s not so bad. Carry on.


    Hell to the YEAH!


    Hell Yeah!
    Also, who the fuck is down voting this????

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    I guess this means we can get rid of the PATRIOT ACT and the Department of Homeland Security, right? I can’t wait to wear shoes through airport security again.




    I hate to say it, but how does this change anything? It’s not like terrorists worldwide are gonna go, “oh damn. Osama’s dead. Time to go home”.
    Although I think we’re over the top on our reactionary laws to terrorism, this doesn’t make the idea of terrorism just die off.


    Now we invade Pakistan or Iran.

    casemods UID# 667

    Pictures or it didn’t happen.


    Your comments are basically foreshadowing the conspiracy theories that are popping up.


    First to post pictures in the forums win points.




    You’d probably need access to a CIA database to get anything this soon.


    I want to see the long form death certificate!


    White House is debating releasing pics.
    I’d like to see the video. Hell, they showed a pic of the President watching it happen, and the look on his face was priceless.


    Ding dong the witch is dead


    Not until Donald Trump has seen the long form death certificate he isn’t….


    That will show him to mess with the US of A.


    MCS is my number 1 most trusted source for news.


    M[C]S is full of valuable information.

    For instance, did you know you can use motor oil to fertilize your lawn?

    Maxwell Edison

    Urine is sterile. You can drink it!


    Lyoto Machida.

    I wonder how many people on this site will know what I’m talking about.


    I knew who you were talking about, but not that he did that.


    Lets strap his body to a missile and let him loose.


    This guy in Pakistan literally tweeted the raid as it happened. Wow.


    That was kinda interesting. Although when I clicked on the link I was expecting something more along the lines of:

    “Oh shit.”
    “Oh shit oh shit.”
    “Ohhhhhhhh, shit.”
    “Oh shiiiiiiiiit.”
    “Oh shit?”
    “Oh. Shit.”
    “Oh shit!”


    wait…..find him, destroy place with four helicopters, send special forces, kill him with headshot, dump body in the sea……
    sounds like steven seagal now makes the attack plans now


    Seagal would have had the cook kill everyone.


    They say that they drown the body… OMG! Conspiracy!


    Don’t start, there’s going to be enough idiots saying that. Makes me wish they had keep the body, or at least the head. That way anyone saying otherwise can see it for themselves.


    Sweet job by the Navy SEALS and the CIA. Congrats to them and all our military for a hell of a job.

    As to it taking 10 years, well, don’t they say vengeance is a dish best served cold?

    Maxwell Edison

    I thought that was gazpacho.


    lol you guys check out /b/


    Hey Annie, can you borrow me your phone/


    yay the boogeyman is dead. o wait weren’t there other monsters under the bed?


    There always have been boogeymen and there always will be . . . that’s why we have guys like SEAL Team 6 to take care of them for us.


    Ayman al-Zawahiri

    this is the newly crowned boogeyman, watch the Mainstream Media masturbate each other with this guy



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    There have been people that hurt me or scared me enough that I wished for them to be harmed. Still, rejoicing in someone’s death is a sad trait for our selves to have.


    It’s not elation that I feel but something like relief or closure.


    I’m not sure closure is what’s going to happen. Soon enough America and/or the rest of the world will have another spectre haunting them. I very much doubt OBL was all that important and that Al’Qaeda will be in ruins without him.

    Still, I look forward to being disproved.


    I’d say they prolly keep his body in one of those green gel refrigerators.

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