tiki tax holiday!

I need to come up with some money, and come up with it fast! quick, do any of you guys have a ‘get rich quick’ scheme that’ll work for me?

also, I’ve fudged with the caching of MCS. might be faster, might cause Internet Explorer to catch your computer on fire.

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    sell drugs, or your ass.

    there is currently a video ad with audio that cannot be silenced, on this page, for air freshener.


    How much do you need?

    I’m getting $1,400 back.

    Feels food man


    Casemods is getting $1,400 back


    Made more this year, paid more taxes (in total & as a %), got way less back.

    Thanks America.


    Make a website where people can post pictures and have ads playing on that.


    Do some day trading


    Isn’t that a good way to lose a lot of money and die of a stress induced heart attack?


    Thats only if you suck


    I see. So you’re broke then?


    You set me up for that one, dude. I had to follow through.


    Sell some of your shit on craigslist


    I have what i am pretty sure is a scam check… but if you of a way you could cash it and not get screwed….


    Sign up for one of those survey programs that pays you to get other people to pay up. Then write an article explaining how to make money doing surveys. Those survey sight usually provide a link that people can sign up under you. Post that in the article, then pass the article around to as many places as you can.

    There’s a a lot of people doing this right now, so you’ll have to get creative to attract attention. Hell, you could probably get a few people on this site to sign up.

    As for websites, I haven’t done it in a long time, so I can’t recommend a good one. There used to be a few that would pay 5 pew person a few years ago, but there’s such a glut of people doing it now that you’re not likely to find something that lucrative.

    You won’t get rich doing this, but I made a few hundred when I was in a tight spot a few years ago. Of course this is basically a pyramid scam so caveat emptor.


    Kill Casemods and sell his organs on the black market.


    Tiki, on the MCS+ page it lists instructions on how to become an MCS+ member, but the donation link is waaaaaaaaaay at the bottom of the screen. Maybe you can make this more prominent on the MCS+ page (maybe right next to the donate instructions) because you could lose potential donators to the “i don’t know how to scroll down” crowd.

    Kik Dogg

    Change the Donate button to allow something besides 25 bucks. There’s lots of times I might give you a couple of bucks just because you made me laugh or something, but 25? C’mon. Also, some rich benefactor might want to save your ass with an anonymous donation of hundreds or thousands of dollars, but see that $25 is the only option and say “Nah, too small to make a difference” and never give you anything. Just saying.

    Kik Dogg

    I gave you a dollar. But it only shows 67 cents. Somebody got ripped off, tiki, and I am afraid it might be you. Anyway, enjoy the pack of gum I just bought you. Maybe next time it will be an entire half-pint.


    Sell your plasma.


    ban casemods!! he cant seem to keep his post in his own section


    which version of exploder do i need and how big will the fire be?


    step 1: steal underpants
    step 2: ?
    step 3: profit

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