humpty dumpty was a royalist cannon in the English civil war, it was knocked down by a collapsing wall, the royalist troops (all the kings horses and men) tried to put it back up on the wall but because it was too large they couldn’t
end of story.
13 years ago
It was a riddle. It is not known whether or not it is about a person/object or if it is completely fictional.
Oh dear god.
Humpty Dumpty is actually a cannon based in Colchester (about 5 miles from where i live)
Ring Around the Rosie is my favorite.
Really it’s asking a bit much for horses to conduct reconstructive surgery on anything, be it an egg or a man.
In owing to the history behind the nursery rhyme, “king’s horses and king’s men” probably refers to cavalry and infantrymen respectively.
Humpty Dumpty was supposedly based on a king who died in battle after falling from his horse. One of the Richards, if I recall correctly.
I thought the rhyme never said he was an egg because it was supposed to be a riddle.
ok ill give some more info,
humpty dumpty was a royalist cannon in the English civil war, it was knocked down by a collapsing wall, the royalist troops (all the kings horses and men) tried to put it back up on the wall but because it was too large they couldn’t
end of story.
It was a riddle. It is not known whether or not it is about a person/object or if it is completely fictional.