This Griz was taken in the Saddle Hills area south of the Peace River in North East Alberta. These are the best two photos from the batch. Sorry for the small size, they were emailed to me that way.
Killed it with a gun = sorry about your penis. If he’d used a knife, I’d be duly impressed, and would scream his name once during my next round of coitus, in the old tradition.
People that still do this should be shot behind a barn… Wait, no, they should be given 40 lashes on the public square so they can be made an example of.
I’m all for hunting things like deer, but a creature like that doesn’t have 1000 offspring. I’m sure this guy’s tiny dick is nice and warm in a bear fur pair of underwear now
I have no issue with hunting. There are a lot of situations where some hunting is needed because all the natural predators have been killed off. But this is crossing a line.
NICE! Here in North Dakota we respect and understand hunting. As long as you had a license and weren’t poaching… and respect the animals you hunt… I think it’s great.
Thing is, the Grizzly hunt has been called off in Alberta for the last 5 years due to them being critically threatened. There is only around 650 – 700 of them total in Alberta, an area the size of North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana combined. They are dying at a rate of around 30 a year, or almost 5%. Around 20 of those deaths are known to be human caused, either intentionally or accidentally. You could fit all of the grizzlys in Alberta into a basketball court. We just don’t have many to spare. This bear, if indeed it was shot in Alberta was either poached or supposedly shot in self defense. I used to see them from time to time while growing up and fortunately none ever took enough of an interest in me to require any sort of response. Lately though, they are simply gone.
If there were thousands and thousands of them roaming around it would still be unfortunate that people would go out and hunt them, but there isn’t. There is not much hope for the Grizzly in Alberta, they are basically doomed.
While I agree that this is sickening, I do not agree with destroying life to atoll. Destruction of life of any sort should be avoided, even if that life does something that you don’t agree with.
Seriously though. Hunting is not something you do for the sake of making your penis feel bigger. That is what arguing with Christians/religious people is for. Unless you are hunting an endangered species or are breaking laws then what is the problem? Are grizzly bears somehow vital to the ecosystem? What use do they serve besides keeping an animal population in check and shitting seeds?
I was always under the impression that my penis was what made me a real man. Overpowered weapons? I’m sorry but are you able to magically figure out what caliber, make and model of rifle or pistol was used to kill said bear?
“They are worth more than you”
Wow, i bet that made your intellectual penis feel big. Here now tell me how my obsession with Jet-planes and Computers is somehow relevant to me denying my homo-erotic tendencies or whatever pseudo-intellectual “feel good” philosophy you stay up early in the morning arguing with teenagers and armchair generals about.
I was always under the impression that my penis was what made me a real man. Overpowered weapons? I’m sorry but are you able to magically figure out what caliber, make and model of rifle or pistol was used to kill said bear?
“They are worth more than you”
Wow, i bet that made your intellectual penis feel big. Here now tell me how my obsession with Jet-planes and Computers is somehow relevant to me denying my homo-erotic tendencies or whatever pseudo-intellectual “feel good” philosophy you stay up early in the morning arguing with teenagers and armchair generals about.
Oh and way to ignore my questions and jump straight to the ad-hominem. I bet you are writing your posts from a fucking macbook you goddamned insulting thing that offends people, you.
They ARE essentially endangered in Alberta. This bear was probably killed illegally. The hunt has been cancelled for the last 5 years. Grizzly’s are also critical to the ecosystem in the area, specifically with salmon (in BC) and trout (in Alta). They are key pathways of moving oceanic nutrient to the soil (well, were, they are pretty much gone now). They eat a lot of fish and poop out a lot of nutrients in addition to the parts of the fish they don’t eat and subsequently leave in the forest. They also beat back thick brush that can prevent deer, elk and moose from moving around. They are a keystone species in the area and they are endangered.
Hunting is fine, as long as you eat what you shoot. But nobody wants to eat bear meat. This guy shot it to make a big rug or to mount it in a scary pose in his library. That is disrespectful, shameful, and totally lame. I feel sorry for you, trophy-boy.
I live in Maine, and I do know quite a few bear hunters that eat the bears they get. The trick is, when you trim the fat, you have to trim about an inch of meat off with it. There is a lot of it wasted but some of it can be enjoyed.
I hunt deer for it’s meat and fur. I don’t NEED the meat and fur to survive, but I use to help feed my family when I’m lucky enough to get one.
But for the sake of not being called a hypocrite, I don’t believe in hunting bears. Most people don’t eat their meat, or use their fur / hide for anything but rugs and trophies. (The deer capes were used for motorcycle saddle bags.)
To take down a bear that size, you would need a sizable, overpowered rifle, no doubt about it. You need to hit the damn thing in it’s lungs or heart to kill it, because people wouldn’t want to ruin their trophies with a headshot.
There’s really no reason to hunt bear, unless it’s a rogue animal with known attacks on humans, or just sick / dying.
And before you call me a tree hugging hippy liberal, for about 3 years I hunted humans in the middle east with an over powered TANK… but my prey shot back.
There is nothing wrong with hunting.
But really guys… a bear?
Stick with bambi, they taste better.
I am pretty sure there are tree huggy hippy liberals in the military, despite what the right wing propaganda machine is saying. Women too, who should be in the kitchen.
I like how the Grizzly Bear is the symbol of my home state: California and yet they are extinct in my state. Gotta love irony.
The only reason that there is a bear on the California flag is because the flag maker misread “PEAR”. Your state flag is a huge mistake that nobody ever corrected. You should have a large piece of fruit in the middle of it instead.
Whether it’s endangered or not, it matters little to me. It’s the purpose of the kill, is it damaging crops or is there an overpopulation of said animal? Is it for something useful, like meat, bait and/or [non-fancy bullshit] clothing?
Some back story would have been nice. Had the bear attacked humans and been designated dangerous and needed killing? Otherwise – and while I don’t hunt, I used to, and I have no problems with hunting for meat – this seems to me to be a couple of morons with guns and that’s never a good thing.
They aren’t, however, officially “endangered” according to this Jan 2011 article, although from their numbers they sure sound like they should be.
Aside from the fact that this is disgusting, am I the only one that didn’t know bears got to this size? And apparently naturally have Gmorks facial features? I don’t know how a bullet even killed that. It looks like it would only fall to the One Ring or some shit.
13 years ago
This grizzly/brown bear was shot on Afognak Island, Alaska, not Alberta. Note the rain forest like moss. Where in Alberta is there a rain forest? These photos can be found on the guide’s lodge website. The man in the blue hat is the hunting guide. The old dude is the client/hunter.
The hunting of grizzly/brown bears is primarily trophy hunting only, except in remote northern regions of Alaska where native hunters still take grizzlies in the spring when they come out of their winter dens. At this time of the year the meat is edible, later in the summer the meat takes on a rotten flavor or a fish smell. In the fall if there is a good berry crop “berry” bears are taken – deep purple meat with a slightly sweet flavor – makes wonderful sausage.
wow. You killed a grizzly. Sorry about your penis, man.
Killed it with a gun = sorry about your penis. If he’d used a knife, I’d be duly impressed, and would scream his name once during my next round of coitus, in the old tradition.
That’s one fucking angry looking bear.
Wouldn’t you be pissed off in the same situation?
People that still do this should be shot behind a barn… Wait, no, they should be given 40 lashes on the public square so they can be made an example of.
Nope, they should be shot, have photos taken of it, then uploaded to the internet
I’m all for hunting things like deer, but a creature like that doesn’t have 1000 offspring. I’m sure this guy’s tiny dick is nice and warm in a bear fur pair of underwear now
I have no issue with hunting. There are a lot of situations where some hunting is needed because all the natural predators have been killed off. But this is crossing a line.
Well said.
Let me hunt you!
This angers me, for bears are my favorite animals
Truly, this point of this is…? Unconditional emissions of hate give you hard-ons?
what a sack of shit.
NICE! Here in North Dakota we respect and understand hunting. As long as you had a license and weren’t poaching… and respect the animals you hunt… I think it’s great.
Thing is, the Grizzly hunt has been called off in Alberta for the last 5 years due to them being critically threatened. There is only around 650 – 700 of them total in Alberta, an area the size of North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana combined. They are dying at a rate of around 30 a year, or almost 5%. Around 20 of those deaths are known to be human caused, either intentionally or accidentally. You could fit all of the grizzlys in Alberta into a basketball court. We just don’t have many to spare. This bear, if indeed it was shot in Alberta was either poached or supposedly shot in self defense. I used to see them from time to time while growing up and fortunately none ever took enough of an interest in me to require any sort of response. Lately though, they are simply gone.
If there were thousands and thousands of them roaming around it would still be unfortunate that people would go out and hunt them, but there isn’t. There is not much hope for the Grizzly in Alberta, they are basically doomed.
i would like to see you fit 700 grizzlies into a basketball court
just saiyan
This is sick. Those hunters should be hunted down and killed. Now THATS a sport!
While I agree that this is sickening, I do not agree with destroying life to atoll. Destruction of life of any sort should be avoided, even if that life does something that you don’t agree with.
Seriously though. Hunting is not something you do for the sake of making your penis feel bigger. That is what arguing with Christians/religious people is for. Unless you are hunting an endangered species or are breaking laws then what is the problem? Are grizzly bears somehow vital to the ecosystem? What use do they serve besides keeping an animal population in check and shitting seeds?
ooooooo caps.
For what I read, they are worth more than you.
Yeah, shooting animals from safe range with overpowered weapons makes you a real man.
I was always under the impression that my penis was what made me a real man. Overpowered weapons? I’m sorry but are you able to magically figure out what caliber, make and model of rifle or pistol was used to kill said bear?
“They are worth more than you”
Wow, i bet that made your intellectual penis feel big. Here now tell me how my obsession with Jet-planes and Computers is somehow relevant to me denying my homo-erotic tendencies or whatever pseudo-intellectual “feel good” philosophy you stay up early in the morning arguing with teenagers and armchair generals about.
I was always under the impression that my penis was what made me a real man. Overpowered weapons? I’m sorry but are you able to magically figure out what caliber, make and model of rifle or pistol was used to kill said bear?
“They are worth more than you”
Wow, i bet that made your intellectual penis feel big. Here now tell me how my obsession with Jet-planes and Computers is somehow relevant to me denying my homo-erotic tendencies or whatever pseudo-intellectual “feel good” philosophy you stay up early in the morning arguing with teenagers and armchair generals about.
Oh and way to ignore my questions and jump straight to the ad-hominem. I bet you are writing your posts from a fucking macbook you goddamned insulting thing that offends people, you.
fucking-a tiki, fix the goddamned comments.DISREGARD THAT FIRST REPLY, I SUCK COCKS.
I’m surprised you can even open this site, filthy linuxfag
A dick may make one a “man”,
but actions make one “hu-man”.
They ARE essentially endangered in Alberta. This bear was probably killed illegally. The hunt has been cancelled for the last 5 years. Grizzly’s are also critical to the ecosystem in the area, specifically with salmon (in BC) and trout (in Alta). They are key pathways of moving oceanic nutrient to the soil (well, were, they are pretty much gone now). They eat a lot of fish and poop out a lot of nutrients in addition to the parts of the fish they don’t eat and subsequently leave in the forest. They also beat back thick brush that can prevent deer, elk and moose from moving around. They are a keystone species in the area and they are endangered.
Posing with a dead animal. Christ it’s not like we are overflowing with these bears.
so. really. Why kill it? For fun?
Hunting is fine, as long as you eat what you shoot. But nobody wants to eat bear meat. This guy shot it to make a big rug or to mount it in a scary pose in his library. That is disrespectful, shameful, and totally lame. I feel sorry for you, trophy-boy.
I live in Maine, and I do know quite a few bear hunters that eat the bears they get. The trick is, when you trim the fat, you have to trim about an inch of meat off with it. There is a lot of it wasted but some of it can be enjoyed.
Really? This far without someone claimed “Shoop”?
‘Cuz that is like, the cleanest goddamn fur I’ve ever seen on a wild animal.
I thought shoop on first pic, not 2nd though. I hope both are shoop.
Get mauled by the bear next time dumbass.
Holy fuck that thing is scary
I hunt deer for it’s meat and fur. I don’t NEED the meat and fur to survive, but I use to help feed my family when I’m lucky enough to get one.
But for the sake of not being called a hypocrite, I don’t believe in hunting bears. Most people don’t eat their meat, or use their fur / hide for anything but rugs and trophies. (The deer capes were used for motorcycle saddle bags.)
To take down a bear that size, you would need a sizable, overpowered rifle, no doubt about it. You need to hit the damn thing in it’s lungs or heart to kill it, because people wouldn’t want to ruin their trophies with a headshot.
There’s really no reason to hunt bear, unless it’s a rogue animal with known attacks on humans, or just sick / dying.
And before you call me a tree hugging hippy liberal, for about 3 years I hunted humans in the middle east with an over powered TANK… but my prey shot back.
There is nothing wrong with hunting.
But really guys… a bear?
Stick with bambi, they taste better.
I am pretty sure there are tree huggy hippy liberals in the military, despite what the right wing propaganda machine is saying. Women too, who should be in the kitchen.
I like how the Grizzly Bear is the symbol of my home state: California and yet they are extinct in my state. Gotta love irony.
The only reason that there is a bear on the California flag is because the flag maker misread “PEAR”. Your state flag is a huge mistake that nobody ever corrected. You should have a large piece of fruit in the middle of it instead.
In that case it’s a fucking awesome mistake!! I think the California flag is great. Especially compared to other states flags.
You can be edumicated on MCS, you just have to really really really pay attention.
that was interesting. MCS is that last place I’d expect to learn something.
There’s more than one Bambi?
Shake that bear.
Whether it’s endangered or not, it matters little to me. It’s the purpose of the kill, is it damaging crops or is there an overpopulation of said animal? Is it for something useful, like meat, bait and/or [non-fancy bullshit] clothing?
Or is it for shits and giggles?
Total bullshit. Seeing shit like this with people gloating over ‘their kill’ turns my stomach.
Some back story would have been nice. Had the bear attacked humans and been designated dangerous and needed killing? Otherwise – and while I don’t hunt, I used to, and I have no problems with hunting for meat – this seems to me to be a couple of morons with guns and that’s never a good thing.
They aren’t, however, officially “endangered” according to this Jan 2011 article, although from their numbers they sure sound like they should be.
holy fuck that’s huge! I never realized how big those are!
(i feel weird posting such an inane comment)
It’s size is one of the reasons seeing it killed disgusts me.
That’s what she said.
Especially that bit about the inane comment.
thats a good kill. congrats
Aside from the fact that this is disgusting, am I the only one that didn’t know bears got to this size? And apparently naturally have Gmorks facial features? I don’t know how a bullet even killed that. It looks like it would only fall to the One Ring or some shit.
This grizzly/brown bear was shot on Afognak Island, Alaska, not Alberta. Note the rain forest like moss. Where in Alberta is there a rain forest? These photos can be found on the guide’s lodge website. The man in the blue hat is the hunting guide. The old dude is the client/hunter.
The hunting of grizzly/brown bears is primarily trophy hunting only, except in remote northern regions of Alaska where native hunters still take grizzlies in the spring when they come out of their winter dens. At this time of the year the meat is edible, later in the summer the meat takes on a rotten flavor or a fish smell. In the fall if there is a good berry crop “berry” bears are taken – deep purple meat with a slightly sweet flavor – makes wonderful sausage.
Whelp, thanks for the info. At least I can rest safe knowing it’s just a rich pencil dick compensating with a cannon gun.
Source? I require proof.
Nice job.
If any of you against this sort of thing had your child mauled by it, you’d feel different. Really.
Way of the world. If you don’t like it, get off my planet.
Oh, I must apologize King Nameless One. I did not know that I was stepping on the planet you own. Perhaps I should go to the moon, or perhaps Mars?