Ipod touch 4th gen blue screen

DSCN8974.JPG (184 KB)

DSCN8969.JPG (207 KB)

fkin pos

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    Alec Dalek

    Apple – Crash Different.


    but tell us how much you spent on it. thats really what i care about.


    they gave you an Itouche’ when you blew the bank president?
    Wow, you’re really moving up in the world, just last month it was sailors and spare change..
    Our little casemeth is growing up..

    Now take your shite back to you’re own narcissistic douchefest and leave the big people alone, ok?


    Nice man. I wish I could get a free iPod touch 4g!


    an ipod that runs windows?

    there’s yer problem…


    Funny…an iPod running windows would be the best thing apple could do


    Why isnt this junk in his flaming shitsack of a section?


    By letting you post, in your own section or not, he is obviously not restricting your rights, Mr. America. He’s just separating the fun stupid shit from the brain melting stupid shit.


    Think before you post


    Couldnt agree more


    Iluvucase <3

    douchemod hater

    tiki ive had enough of this shit, i am going to set mcs to null in my dns server, so even if i try, i will not be able to view the site anymore. i was happy when douchemods post didnt show up on the main part of the time, i even clicked on some ads, but now that he can not stay in his little hole, because he feels he is important enough to have more than 2-3 visitors a month, i am calling it quits for my visits to this site.

    fair well, and good luck
    piss off douchemods no one cares, except perhaps /b/ and we are not /b/


    Letting anonymonglers post freely M[c]S was SUCH a good idea.


    Null? Dns server? Lol, fucking nerd…


    Hey, casemods, I’m guessing you fucked up jailbreaking it? I only ask because I have never even HEARD of a BSOD on an iOS device. You fail even more than I previously believed.


    Learn to full screen a picture. Herp

    Also: blue screen is a windows only thing.



    Cool, another one of my pictures ends up stolen on another site.

    You’ll note the nikon 3200 in the exif


    Casemods always has the best posts! Thumbs up if you agree! Thumbs down if your just jealous of him!

    teezy weezy

    Down load blue screen of death pic, open it on iPhone post it on the net, obvious troll is obvious.


    First smart person in this thread


    Not so obvious to these dumbasses tho, unfortunately

    Luke Magnifico

    I’ve never seen a BSOD, because I’m not a fuckup.


    Because it totally matters what kind of person you are, and not on silly things like hardware conflicts (I hope I didn’t use too many big words for you sport)

    Luke Magnifico

    Hardware conflict >> cards drawing on the same resource at the same time >> someone’s a fuckup


    You don’t understand how hardware conflicts happen

    Luke Magnifico

    Also, go away Graham.


    Hey! do not steal from casemods!

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