Vaccination is one of the most amazing and useful medical break throughs ever. People that don’t have their children vaccinated should be charged with child endangerment, not only for their children but for others.
I’m wearing decorative plaid shorts and a shirt I made myself because I don’t have a job because I’m a lazy ass hippy with upper middle class parents so I want to feel like I’m contributing by making up some alarmist bullshit based on the scare tactics in the news my simpleton brain couldn’t handle. I am a typical left wing voter.
We have too many people, but telling people how many kids to have seems wrong to me. As for the prison-industrial complex, that has already happened. It refers to the companies that make money off of the prison system lobbying for more people to be put in jail. Which they appear to be very good at. As for forced vaccinations, your can’t enroll your kids in school without them, so they kind of already are. This person must have heard of the non-existent link between autism and vaccinations. It turns out that whole thing was based on a lie.
our rights are being stripped one by one.. piece by piece on ones that cant be taken all at once. This country was trying to have a constitution to keep us safe from living in an environment like it ironically is in the process of turning into. The big picture of everything going on…financial choices from gov down to banking choices that led us to money crisis and now prices so high a worker cannot afford to pay basic living costs and this ball continues to roll on and get bigger and bigger until it will eat up the country we were and turn it into something we have only seen in movies or other countries. Our system cannot continue this way without imploding.. money value crashes and energy costs grow exponentially and gov sees future of people rising up against it when they become desperate enough so they are now altaring laws to take away rights and give the gov more rights to keep peace they will say.. but to deal with riots is what it will be.. and they are not being honest about some stuff they are doing that people have filmed and questioned law makers about and then been blatantly lied to about the existance of some of these things (saying they are not even happening). Our founding fathers are rolling around in their graves if they are watching this unfold. I feel scared for the youth’s future world they will grow up in. Spoiled people who did not appreciate what they had used plastic for decades borrowing so much money over decades that the economy popped like a bubble.. and now for generations there is no real fix. We cannot continue with food and energy prices growing exponentially and water resources are a future concern with population growth.. A lot of power shifting among governments is happening with currency values fluctuating all over the globe.. and weapons growth and countries fighting among themselves are becoming alarmingly heated and using the power of keeping needed supplies from countries will escillate this anger until someone will push a red button somewhere and ww3 will start. countries picking sides now in the news basically as hostilities swell.. I am sad for the direction the world and our country is going. So many mistakes have led up to it happening.. there is no easy fix.. people that are not paying attention to world news and keeping up with some of the different patterns might think all is fine.. but they are just getting caught up in their daily grind of life and not seeing the big picture. Living blindly will not make it go away. They too will see empty grocery shelves and riots in streets and martial law and wars between countries.. they will just be surprised because they were not paying attention to the signs of it all happening like it slowly is happening right now. Scary world.
Vaccination is one of the most amazing and useful medical break throughs ever. People that don’t have their children vaccinated should be charged with child endangerment, not only for their children but for others.
vaccinate yourself with a .40 to the side of your head
I’m wearing decorative plaid shorts and a shirt I made myself because I don’t have a job because I’m a lazy ass hippy with upper middle class parents so I want to feel like I’m contributing by making up some alarmist bullshit based on the scare tactics in the news my simpleton brain couldn’t handle. I am a typical left wing voter.
It’s been verified a few hundred times that vaccinations do not cause autism, in any form, but idiots simply won’t believe it.
but the dophins are getting caught in the tuna nets!!! please think of the dolphins!
No fucking for the coon.
And hopefully less arseholes in plaid shorts
OK, I get military draft and ww3 but what’s wrong with the other three?
We have too many people, but telling people how many kids to have seems wrong to me. As for the prison-industrial complex, that has already happened. It refers to the companies that make money off of the prison system lobbying for more people to be put in jail. Which they appear to be very good at. As for forced vaccinations, your can’t enroll your kids in school without them, so they kind of already are. This person must have heard of the non-existent link between autism and vaccinations. It turns out that whole thing was based on a lie.
birth control is the only way.
You can get around the vaccination for your kids.
our rights are being stripped one by one.. piece by piece on ones that cant be taken all at once. This country was trying to have a constitution to keep us safe from living in an environment like it ironically is in the process of turning into. The big picture of everything going on…financial choices from gov down to banking choices that led us to money crisis and now prices so high a worker cannot afford to pay basic living costs and this ball continues to roll on and get bigger and bigger until it will eat up the country we were and turn it into something we have only seen in movies or other countries. Our system cannot continue this way without imploding.. money value crashes and energy costs grow exponentially and gov sees future of people rising up against it when they become desperate enough so they are now altaring laws to take away rights and give the gov more rights to keep peace they will say.. but to deal with riots is what it will be.. and they are not being honest about some stuff they are doing that people have filmed and questioned law makers about and then been blatantly lied to about the existance of some of these things (saying they are not even happening). Our founding fathers are rolling around in their graves if they are watching this unfold. I feel scared for the youth’s future world they will grow up in. Spoiled people who did not appreciate what they had used plastic for decades borrowing so much money over decades that the economy popped like a bubble.. and now for generations there is no real fix. We cannot continue with food and energy prices growing exponentially and water resources are a future concern with population growth.. A lot of power shifting among governments is happening with currency values fluctuating all over the globe.. and weapons growth and countries fighting among themselves are becoming alarmingly heated and using the power of keeping needed supplies from countries will escillate this anger until someone will push a red button somewhere and ww3 will start. countries picking sides now in the news basically as hostilities swell.. I am sad for the direction the world and our country is going. So many mistakes have led up to it happening.. there is no easy fix.. people that are not paying attention to world news and keeping up with some of the different patterns might think all is fine.. but they are just getting caught up in their daily grind of life and not seeing the big picture. Living blindly will not make it go away. They too will see empty grocery shelves and riots in streets and martial law and wars between countries.. they will just be surprised because they were not paying attention to the signs of it all happening like it slowly is happening right now. Scary world.
please kill yourself