oh, he so crazy, I can see his mustache has been painted white.
joker is crazy
Added on March 12th, 2011 by carlmuskett26 | Report Post
Tags:Comic Books, Humor, Television, Wallpaper, WTF
Tags:Comic Books, Humor, Television, Wallpaper, WTF
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Note the attention to detail in Randy Spears’ portrayal of Cesar Romero’s Joker: goo.gl/CRVPB
You see the mustache, senor?
Holy shit, he has a phaser.
I keep hearing that these porn superhero parodies are well done. I understand they really nail the characters.
The male actors seem to keep it together and more or less in character for more of the scenes, though the Catwoman actress did go to the trouble of saying “bat-cock” at one point. So kudos to her.
Very Tim Curry.
This. While campy, Romero’s acting really shines with the Joker character. Great memories.
Cesar Romero FTW – back when actors could do camp and still be excellent at it