Hard Candy

hard_candy_xlg.jpg (173 KB)

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    tiki god

    I heard things about this film, things that made me not watch it.


    Me too. I’ll probably end up watching it one day just to see if what I heard was true.

    I read a description of a A Serbian Film, and I think I wanna go my whole life without seeing that.



    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Maybe I’m just jaded from stuff like Saw and Hostel, but I don’t remember anything particularly disturbing in this.


    Don’t ever. There’s one scene in there no man wants to see.

    Well, except maybe reboot.

    Luke Magnifico

    I forgot that scene.

    Maybe repressed is a better word.

    casemods UID# 667

    Such an ugly girl for a jailbate movie.

    LEON the pro and Lolita were way better.

    Besides, girls now a days are doing drugs and have had sex with 50 guys by her age, and anyone on the internet would be too scared to even leave his house.


    What does your sister doing guys and drugs have to do with this movie?? …Anyhow, the poster is a kick-ass graphic composition.


    This was an awesome film. Maybe not to everyones taste but me and my other half love it.


    It’s definitely an awesome film! True it’s not for everyone, but the character driven story is one to take note of.

    casemods UID# 667

    Too bad it wasn’t actually an attractive actress like lolita and leon the professional


    You’re not trying hard enough. No one has called you a homophobic slur yet.

    casemods UID# 667

    Funny how I get no responses when I post comments about young girls…


    Yeah, twice even.

    Wus up wit that?

    casemods UID# 667

    Pedophiles. Pedophiles everywhere.


    I don’t know what you’re talking about. I stock my van with candy because I have a sweet tooth.


    It’s a trap?


    Actually yes.

    But not the trap you’re thinking of.

    Watched it last night.

    casemods UID# 667

    Such an ugly girl for a jailbate movie.

    LEON the pro and Lolita were way better.

    Besides, girls now a days are doing drugs and have had sex with 50 guys by her age, and anyone on the internet would be too scared to even leave his house.2



    casemods UID# 667

    I just watched this movie and it was fucking stupid.

    Terrible story structure.

    I’m still wondering the actual point to the movie/actors motivation.

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