Modern geekdom isn’t nearly as “girl repellant” as it was a few decades ago. Now days, there are tons of geek girls of all varieties, and a rather startling number of them are quite sexy.
aw man, one of my dogs just ate three of my star trek figs that were MIB and were up on the 4th shelf. I’m betting my cat knocked it over and he went after it, ugh.
I believe it’s spelled Bat’leth
I believe it’s spelled Pussy’repellent
That’s not the name, that’s the mission
Not true. I have one, mine didnt come with a stand though :S
Geek Sexism!
Modern geekdom isn’t nearly as “girl repellant” as it was a few decades ago. Now days, there are tons of geek girls of all varieties, and a rather startling number of them are quite sexy.
The most poorly designed weapon ever invented.
aw man, one of my dogs just ate three of my star trek figs that were MIB and were up on the 4th shelf. I’m betting my cat knocked it over and he went after it, ugh.
Dude, you’re the Atkinson of Trek-nerds..
I didn’t know they had Star Trek figurines.
Someone robbed a store with one of these.
That doesn’t look like it’s a dull blade, does it just look this way, or are there really versions out there that come with a sharp blade?